F3 Greenwood

This was my second Tuesday Q in a row at Shipyard, but my first backblast in as many weeks. The other got lost at sea when a dry rotted seat broke on a canoe my 2.0s and I were in last Tuesday afternoon leading us to capsizing and sending us all, and my phone with all of my Q notes on it, into our pond. Not a proud dad moment at all… muddy water from all the rain, couldn’t locate my kids, my daughter was wearing one of my t shirts over her clothes, no life jackets. Yea. Bad stuff I’m lucky we can laugh about it now. One week later, more rain and another Q. But no canoe this time.

The “Shipyard regulars” are an eclectic group when it comes to strengths in regards to various exercises, and they are a group who pushes themselves each morning, in turn pushing each other. They don’t really complain too much and they show up each morning to work. So for me, to plan a Q at the Ship is fun because you know you’re going to get their best every morning. Today did not disappoint.

1 Minute Warning given (45 second warning)

Disclaimer given


The Thang

Warm up (in cadence):

20 SSH

20 LBACs

20 Reverse LBACs

20 Cut the grass


5 burpees OYO followed by

20 merkins OYO


Mosey to coupons and grab 2. Meet at bottom of concrete monster.


50 of each

Chest Presses (Blue Print raised the bar and pressed 2 blocks at one time. I followed his lead and agree it was a good idea until #35).



Tricep extensions

Shrugs, holding 1 block in each hand

Presses (went for it again with the 2 coupons. Good stuff!)

Squats ( at least the 1st 25 with coupon)



Flutter kicks (count 1 leg)


Low plank for 50 seconds


Burn out on dips (using the 2 coupons)

Burn out on merkins

Burn out on dips

Burn out on merkins


Plank til the 6


Recovery run around EHS, back to bottom of the monster


Repeated exercises, but reduced reps to 30 of each:


Circled up with 5 minutes to go. 1 PAX called a number of reps, the next PAX determined the exercise. At this point, I can’t remember what we did because I was spent, but I think we did:

25 V ups

25 LBCs

25 Shoulder Presses

25 American hammers


Time Called



Reminded PAX of Mother’s Day quickly approaching and challenged them to remember their mothers and their M’s. Read from Ephesians 5 and the example Jesus set for all of us as the man of our families, to love our wives as Christ loved the church. Encouraged PAX to pray for their M’s and using the Lord’s prayer and inserting you M’s name is a great way to cover all the bases if you’re new to this.


As for last week’s Q, I copied one of Meter Maid’s from March. The only thing I changed was reduced the number of navy seals to 3 in between each set of the DORA. It’s a killer workout and one I personally would love to do at least once a month.


I’m out,
