F3 Greenwood

Running Raindeers

This weekend has had nothing but low temps in the gloom and I knew they would carry over to this morning as well.  It was cold and breezy when the 8 PAX arrived at the fountain.  Some of us stayed in our cars until 5:10 trying to hold on to some heat, while others began stretching and getting […]

Colder than a … well you get the idea

Conditions: 25 Degrees (COLD!) Last night Weaver sent YHC a message saying that we would have to tack on some extra speed to keep warm for our hill run in the AM. He was right. When we arrived, my watch said it was 27 degrees outside. When we left it said 25. I guess we […]

Runnin with a Purpose

This week we decided to team up with another running group, the ladies of While America Sleeps, to raise some money for a needy family in our community. Our original plan was to run through the Uptown/Maxwell Ave/Connie Maxwell Christmas lights, but all of the pieces did not fall into place to get all of […]

Straightenin’ the Curves, Flattenin’ the Hills

Conditions: A cool and damp 42*. Perfect Hustle weather. When I woke up this morning, my mind said it was still Sunday. I quickly realized that my mind was playing tricks on me in order to stay in the warm embrace on the #fartsack and I needed to get up and ready to Q at […]

The Running of the OnB

8 pax plus 1 hybrid Terrapin runner posted at the #FountainHead for a little Monday morning OnB. YHC had no idea what to expect numbers wise. The damp chilly conditions had YHC fearful the #Fartsack would win the day. Combine that with the pax running long on Sundays training for Swamp Rabbit and I was […]

Swamp Rabbit Boys make the Woodin’ world go round!

Conditions: 44 degrees and GLOOMY After being “unofficial” for about a month now the “Swampy Rabbit Boys” (not to be confused with F3 Swamp Rabbit) are ready to go legit! 7 PAX ignored the weatherman (who was WRONG) and got up and got better for a nice and easy 9 mile + run on the […]

Dim Bulbs

As the pax emerged from their cars, some called attention to the fact that several Christmas lights that adorn the trees in the town center of The Wood were not as bright as others. I’m not sure why this is important, but they probably weren’t the only dim (as in sleepy in the case of […]

Humidity Returns for Coffee

Conditions – Wet and humid, but not raining, and temperature around 63.  A crowd of 26 PAX were on hand for the return of some humidity.   Disclaimer was given   We ran, several routes and distances   Count-o-Roma: 26   Name-o-Rama   Announcements: Christmas party this Saturday.  Sign up! Next week’s Wednesday run will meet at the Uptown Fountain.  We’ll […]

Fartlek is Fun to Say

Conditions: Cool, but a perfect morning for a good run. As the new Run Q, one of my responsibilities is to make sure all runs have a Q. After Sugar asked for a substitute to cover for him as he nurses injury in preparation for the Kiawah Half and no one volunteered to cover for […]

Goin the Distance on a Monday Morning Mosey

YHC was NOT feeling it this morning. Really. An exercise in perseverance took place at the Alpo estate this morning that ultimately resulted in one pax posting, for his Q no less. It’s been a tough November. A really really tough November and finally with Reactor Problems in the rearview mirror it’s time to rise […]