F3 Greenwood

YHC was NOT feeling it this morning. Really. An exercise in perseverance took place at the Alpo estate this morning that ultimately resulted in one pax posting, for his Q no less. It’s been a tough November. A really really tough November and finally with Reactor Problems in the rearview mirror it’s time to rise up and go the distance. Speaking of Goin the Distance, Uncle Buck just so happened to be making the turn up Sportsbreak Hill coming from Publix at the same time Mac N Cheez and YHC were hanging a Louie for the same pain train. It’s been a while since Buck and I have laid down some thought provoking conversation between paces and so this morning was a nice cherry on top of a Monday Morning Mosey. We somehow ended up on one of YHC’s favorite bands, Cake, and Goin the Distance. So I hope everyone enjoys this tune that helped two lonely souls push through to the finish.

Disclaimer: Given, All OnB vets, don’t get lost and we’ll see ya again in 45.

Conditions: Cold, 41F to be exact. But not as cold as everyone had apparently thought it was going to be so I guess we can chalk it up to the Good Lord giving us a tiny reprieve for our early morning dedication.

Announcements: Drink coffee tomorrow at Aroma’s to help kids take food home for the weekend. Child hunger is an issue in our area. Apparently some parents want to spend their money on booze or meth instead of feeding their children. Some can’t afford it for other reasons. Bottom line is Kids shouldn’t go hungry! Not anywhere, but not in America, and not in our backyard. A cup of Joe can help with this, and we al know how much pax love their joe or fru-fru drinks (MM & UJ). A lot was said about what you can and can’t bring to Sugar’s for the F3 Christmas party this Saturday @1830. Well more was said about what you could bring, and then smiles on your faces at the least, and then YHC was questioned if I learned to speak so eloquently in Toastmasters. Dang.

Prayer Requests: Rodman needs some friends. Reach out and offer the man an ear or some time or really anything but a beer. Pusher’s got some fam that needs some prayers.

It turned out to be a pretty decent morning. YHC has been missing the guys something fierce. Thanks for being there with me and for me.

JKS – Alpo