F3 Greenwood

3…2…1 Jailbreak!

Just put one foot in front of the other. This morning’s “Coffee-Run” @ Starbucks featured 29 PAX determined to get better/faster/stronger and drink coffee.  The weather was favorable with a temp in the low 50’s with a cool 8 mph breeze. A few Pax arrived early for some XL action.  Great job men! 5:15AM arrived, disclaimer […]

Griff n Hills

Conditions 48* and FOGGY I had mixed emotions as I pulled into the Shipyard parking lot this morning. There was only one car in the lot, but it was Juggernaut’s. I always hope for some good numbers whenever I Q, but I knew that Juggs would give it everything he has. Juggs and I may […]

Foggy OnB

9 pax kicked the strong pull of the #Fartsack in the mouth and posted for another January Gloomy Jaunt through #TheWood. Disclaimer The Main Thang You know the deal……. 22.5 minutes out………22.5 minutes back. Be careful out there, watch for cars because they are not watching for you especially in the fog. Countorama, namerama, prayers […]

Friday The 13th Aside

Conditions: 52 Degrees A few weeks ago, YHC redlined on distance which led to a considerable amount of lingering knee pain. Slowing down the speed and taking more breaks between run days has been sorting out that issue. And today, YHC was encouraged by a normal feeling knee and a morning temp that felt a […]

It was small, but it was good….

20 PAX resisted the comfort of the fartsack today and posted at the weekly Starbucks Run.  The weather was cool, but not cold.  Perfect for running. It was YHC’s first Q in several months,  so it felt really good to get back into the swing of things. In 2016, we averaged approximately 28 PAX at this […]

Don’t Stop Moving, You Might Freeze

Winter is here and in full effect. Dragging out of the #fartsack becomes harder and harder as these winter temps continue to be so low. #Tclaps to all those PAX who have been posting despite the cold temps and the winter weather we have had lately. 6 PAX ignored the cold and posted to the […]

The Solo Hustler

1 pax posted to #Hustle for a little speedwork on the track. YHC had a feeling it could happen this way. Between pax running the day before, injuries, and half of Greenwood being in Tampa, It didn’t look good for a large crowd posting. YHC pulled in the parking lot about 0510 and nothing, nada, […]

The Dirty Two-Dozen

This morning’s “Coffee-Run” @ Starbucks featured 24 PAX determined to move their feet, get better/faster/stronger, and drink coffee.  The weather was favorable for running at any pace:  low 50’s with a clean 7 mph breeze.  5:15AM arrived and the PAX parted ways:  some turned right for the usual 5K route, some turned left for adventures […]

Buckets of Rain

Conditions: 48 Degrees and Rainy (one lightning strike, falling tree/limbs) When I emerged from the fartsack for the trek to Hustle, I wished that I hadn’t signed up to Q. The rain was pouring down, but that wasn’t the reason. The day before, I ushered in the New Year with an 11-mile run and I wasn’t […]

Blame it on the rain

YHC arrived at the Uptown Fountain around 5:10 am after passing Meatloaf (going XL) who was about a mile into his OnB run.  Meatloaf’s truck was the only vehicle in the lot.  As 5:15 approached, it was obvious that there would only be two vehicles in the lot when it was time to go.  5:15 […]