F3 Greenwood

Taper Friday?

7 Pax circled up at the Hero Hill’s COT. As I arrive at the AO I see 2 cars vacated by pax (Unplugged & Bubbly) that headed out for a little XL. Special K arrives as I do and he also leaves a few minutes early for a little XL. DC arrives and we head […]

S’bux, Swamp Rabbit – Taper edition & Ruckfest

Enjoying the unseasonably warm weather, 31 Pax assembled at Starbucks for the weekly run- and ruck-fest.  Stretches were done, Rucks were shouldered, LED vests were lit, and the Pax scattered to the four winds, chasing glory wherever it could be found on the open road. In the COT, announcements were that Saturday’s workout was at […]

Fountain Out and Back 2/19/18

The conditions were great for an early morning Out and Back run. Most of the pax left early, but 4 of us left at the normal 5:15 start time. Everyone returned by 6 for  COT. COT- Count and names Announcements: Fury is the AO for the Saturday workout. If you aren’t running in the Swamp […]

Forgive Yourself If You Think You Can

14 pax posted at the fountain and headed out for various routes and distances. We circled up, we were named, we made an announcement and we prayed. Announcements: The workout is at Terrapin tomorrow. Dixie Chick on the Q. Prayer Requests/Praise Reports (Thanks to Fabio for lifting us up in prayer) Thumpers mother passed away […]

Fountain OnB 2/12/18

26 posted at the Uptown Fountain for the weekly Out-n-Back. Most left early for extended runs, but a few of us started at 5:15. Everyone returned around 6. COT: Count, Names Announcements: Saturday BC at Terrapin. POST AT BOOT CAMPS! Good job by everyone today! DC

2 for a Slow Hustle

After spending the weekend watching Koby run in circles for almost 24 hours, it was only fitting that Quicky and I were together again for Hustle. We both decided that we would go  for an Out-and-Back instead of running the 1/4 mile repeats that I had planned. We headed out from Emerald HS and went […]


5 Pax bought in to the idea that if you want to run fast you have to train fast. Conditions: Wet, but no rain. Disclaimer: Given Warm-up: 4 laps around the track (1 mile) The Work: Run 400 meters at 5k race pace Run 200 meters at a conversational pace Run 300 meters at a […]

A Killer Hustle

Last night Flossy floated it out that he needed a sub for the Hustle Q for today. I agreed to take the Q with a few stipulations. I am on a taper for the Hallucination so I would be able to lead a workout but not participate. With the terms agreed to, I started putting […]

Just #gettingbetter

14 pax showed up in Uptown Greenwood this morning to start their week off right with a run.  It was a comfortable 42° and a disclaimer was given at the 2 minute warning. As is the norm for the Monday Out and Back, some left early, some ran fast, some ran slow, some walked, but […]

Monday Run

Disclaimer given and we headed off for a run and everyone returned safely. Nothing interesting to report. Announcements and Prayer request made.   YHC closed in prayer