F3 Greenwood

Pepe Le Pew

10 pax got up early today to log miles of thier choosing. T-claps to Meatloaf for getting up extra early and logging a PR.  Great work.   Announcements 3rd week of Saluda launch.  Leaving Shipyard parking lot at 6:00 Saturday morning.  Boot Camp at 7:00.  Flossy is QIC. No official Boot Camp scheduled for Saturday. […]

A run between 2 polar vortexes

19 pax logged some miles around #TheWood on a muggy spring like morning before the return of the Polar Vortex (Part II). Pax went here and there, pax went everywhere. Some ran hills, and OnB. Some went XL, some chose regular.  Either way you were there unless you weren’t and then you were not. You […]

January Heat Wave

After the frigid temperatures of late, 48* felt like a heat wave. The warmer temps brought out a strong number of pax this morning. Some ran the traditional Starbucks 5k route, some left earlier for a longer run, some rucked, and some ran on their own for 45 mins. One thing we all had in […]

5 Guys…

5 Guys laced up their PF Flyers and posted at Hustle. It’s bad when you check the temperature on the watch and when you see mid 20’s you smile. Conditions: still cold. Just not umpteen degree cold. Disclaimer: Who knows, but if you haven’t heard it by now, there’s a good chance you weren’t going […]

Go Away Cold!

It was another cold one out in the gloom this morning.  By my count, that makes over a week straight with sub-freezing temperatures during our normal workout time.  I, for one, am just about tired of it.  The novelty of workout in stupid cold weather has worn off.  Luckily, it looks like the gloom temps […]

In the Depth of Winter…

In the depth of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger — something better, pushing right back. — Albert Camus   It was a frigid morning, but it was not cold […]

Pre-Xmas run, BB better late than never

Perfect weather for a run. Disclaimer was given, all Pax dispersed in the direction of their choosing, most going north but some veering off along the way. All returned safe and sound by 0600, no injuries, no one left behind. COR NOR Announcements: Pothole mentioned some Pax are going to Calhoun Falls on MLK weekend […]

It was a good day

15 PAX (Plus 2 additional who did not get the change in time memo) gathered at the Fountain for a New Year’s Day convergence.  The idea was to dedicate half of the one hour time slot to running the traditional out and back, while the other half would incorporate our bootcamp style work.   It […]

Pick your own poison

10 pax came out for a freezing Friday “pick your own poison” run from the Uptown fountain.  Meatloaf and Corn Cob left out early and ran longer.  Everyone else started on time and everyone finished up at 0600….well, almost everyone.  Corn Cob decided XL wasn’t enough so he made an extra lap around the fountain […]

A Little Bit Warmer O&B

Conditions – A little warmer than last week with temperature around 47.  A crowd of 18 PAX were on hand for this mornings O&B.   Disclaimer was given, although most PAX were talking and didn’t hear it.   We ran, several routes and distances, and all returned safely.   Count-o-Roma: 18   Name-o-Rama   Announcements: Saturday at Fury Get money […]