14 pax showed up in Uptown Greenwood this morning to start their week off right with a run. It was a comfortable 42° and a disclaimer was given at the 2 minute warning.
As is the norm for the Monday Out and Back, some left early, some ran fast, some ran slow, some walked, but every man is better for getting out in the gloom with their F3 brothers.
We counted, named, announced, and prayed.
Upon arriving back at the fountain, Meatloaf’s truck seemed to be the main topic of conversation amongst the pax. Meatloaf (who said don’t wait on him because he was running longer and wouldn’t be back for the COT) has adorned his rear window with quite a list of accomplishments. Upon further inspection, each accomplishment has the event, date, and pace. So each decal is custom. And while he’ll catch some flack (since that’s the way we roll), it really is quite impressive. Meatloaf is the prime example as to what this F3 thing can do for a man if you go all in. YHC has done things in the past two years that I didn’t think were possible , but while chasing the guys like Meatloaf and others who have been, and still are, setting the example, I realized that I can always do a little bit more than I think I’m capable of. And it goes beyond the physical accomplishments, that’s just where we start. We’re all better leaders in our homes and community through this group. Don’t post tomorrow for yourself, post for the other pax who will be there that may need your example to keep grinding. In the end, we all wind up better than we started. Think about the accomplishments and changes you’ve made since joining F3. I bet there’s a lot more than you realize. Then keep pushing for more.
And Meatloaf, where can we get some of those F3 Greenwood stickers for the pax?