Capri, Duggar and the failed Anatomy class
Capri and Duggar teamed up to issue a lower body beat down to 37 PAX – including four FNGs – at the #Epicenter. Fortunately for the PAX, Duggar had brushed up on his anatomy since the last he Q’d the workout and got everyone warmed up and ready for an epic workout that left the […]
Soggy Bottom Abs
Soggy Bottom Abs Earlier in the week the AOQ had mentioned that abs had been neglected due to pushing out longer on The Thang and working the upper body hard. YHC made note and commented he had something in mind for that. YHC pre-released his layout to a select few men and received the feedback he […]
Glamor Boys!
36 PAX including an astonishing 6 FNGs descended upon the Epicenter to take on what Sour and Uncle Jesse (VQs) had to offer. With beach season upon us, Sour felt it was important to concentrate on the “Glamor Muscles” (Biceps and Triceps) while Uncle Jesse got the heart rate pumping with some tennis court suicide […]
Meet my friend Griff!
An unprecedented 38 PAX including three FNGs emerged from their #FartSacks, took the #RedPill and joined YHC for a #Problematic #DownPainMent Tuesday morning at the #Epicenter! There was some #MumbleChatter early, but when the PAX were introduced to my former comrade, Griff, the chatter ceased and the #Merlot splashed! CoP SSH x 25 IC Merkins […]
Step, Lunge, Run….Oh My!
4 Pax posted at The Fountain for a Muggy Running Drill workout. 78 degrees with high humidity! Disclaimer-Unplugged Warm Up-Unplugged Walking lunges X 10 out/back to starting spot SSH X 20 IC Front Kick opposite toe touch X 10 each leg IC (engage core, front hand touches toe, back hand reaches behind) Knee lift w/ Twist X […]
It’s just a deck of cards!
26 pax including 3 FNG’s broke out of their Fartsacks for a Gloomin good time at the Epicenter. After being on vacation, Flossy enjoyed a Deck of Death beatdown with our F3 Bluffton brothers and wanted to bring back a little something special for the pax of F3Greenwood! Disclaimer COP SSHx30 IC Mountain Climbersx20 IC […]
Breaking the body, building the man!
21 Pax posted at the Epicenter ready for a beatdown…and it came! The few PAX that came extra early were blessed with the chance to move 28 cinder blocks into position on The Circuit! Plunger led us in the: COP SSH 20x IC Boxcutters 15x IC Merkins 12x SC Alternating Shoulder Taps 15x IC Little […]
Kaboom demolishes the Epicenter
24 PAX and 1 FNG enjoyed a nuclear level Kaboom. An explosion of sweat and pain was experienced in the gloom. Disclaimer Warmup: SSH x 25 IC Merkins x 18 IC Freddy Mercury x 15 IC LBAC x 15 forward IC LBAC x 15 backwards IC Mountain climbers x 20 IC Flutter kicks x 20 […]
Birthday Beatdown
14 Men made it out in the gloom and completed a heaping sized platter of burpees before sunup. It was humid, really humid, but the PAX is used to it now and the complaints were limited to just trash talking the Q. QIC’s birthday started off with a little beatdown… the THANG… Warm Up: SCSSH (slow […]
A little Snake Oil and a double dose of Capri
The #Epicenter was descended upon by 27 PAX and two FNGs who elected to take the #RedPill offered by Snake Oil and Capri for an old-fashioned beat down Tuesday morning #InTheGloom. Capri kicked things off with long sets of familiar movements and ignored the #MumbleChatter as he passed by the usual number of reps for […]