F3 Greenwood

I can’t feel my arms when I’m with you………but I love it!

8 pax braved a breezy but no rain Epicenter for a #beatdown at the hands of YHC. After Q’ing Fury on Tuesday and not getting to play with coupons, there was only one option for today! Coupons, coupons and sometimes double coupons! Looking forward to this and getting together with the Epicenter pax! Let’s do […]

Balance is Key

YHC is always eager to Q, especially lately.  Today would be a day where we see who really wants to #getbetter. Conditions: Perfectly Gloomy and A Great Day to #GETBETTER Disclaimer:  YHC continues to hone this skill and deliver it one time and appropriately. Today was no exception your here at your own risk you know […]

C.A.L.L. to Pain

11 pax arose to face freezing temps and a looming threat of pain that surfaced via Twitter 24hrs earlier.  This being YHC’s first Q at The Epicenter, a proper tour of the grounds was in order.  Once the pax reluctantly evacuated the warm comfort of their climate controlled vehicles it was time to go to […]

Accidental Calf Burn

Sour finally Q’d again thanks to Meatloaf’s accountability. 17 Pax joined in including 1 FNG for a planned upper body workout which ended up burning some calves. Conditions: 26 degrees (cold) Disclaimer: Snake Oil spoke up very quick to let the Pax know Sour was not a professional (very true) The Thang Warm-up: SSH x […]

Is that a Juggaloaf? Or a Meatanaut?

Whatever you call it, the much advertised Co-Q of YHC and Meatloaf prompted 13 PAX to make their way to the Epicenter for what would be a vicious melding of the minds. It was duly noted on Twitter throughout the day that the Epicenter had more PAX than the Shipyard for the first time in […]

A Senator Politically Correct #Beatdown

Senator will be leaving us this summer for Ball State University and he approached YHC about the possibility of taking F3 with him.  Love it when a PAX wants to step up and lead! So the journey begins today!  Senator put this Q together and ran it by YHC and got the thumbs up.  Let’s […]

The Brothers in law Beatdown

Conditions: 32* F and clear. Frost covering the ground. Cruiser issues the disclaimer. He is a professional, but not at this. Cruiser Q Warm up  20 SSH IC 20 Imperial Walkers IC 10 Deep squat reach IC 20 LBAC IC (10 forward 10 reverse) Partner up. From the flag at the lower end of the […]

A few 40’s at the Epicenter

14 pax descended on the Epicenter on an almost balmy 31* moon lit morning! Considering the previous week of temps in the teens and snow this was almost spring like. Recruiting season is coming to an end, so YHC wanted the pax to work on their 40 yard times but we do not just sprint […]

PAX in the Snow

YHC is on his 3 Q of the week and loving it!  Now if I can just get my BB’s posted on time consistently.  I actually didn’t realize I had signed up until Wednesday night as I have signed up to Q so much lately I lost track.  If your wondering what would have happened […]

Shaking and baking in the Epicenter

11 pax from F3 Greenwood ventured out to the Epicenter on a cool dreary but rain free #beatdown day at the hands of YHC. There are so many awesome things to do at the Epicenter and YHC wanted to hit his personal favorites. YHC wanted the pax to concentrate on form over number of reps, […]