F3 Greenwood

Senator will be leaving us this summer for Ball State University and he approached YHC about the possibility of taking F3 with him.  Love it when a PAX wants to step up and lead! So the journey begins today!  Senator put this Q together and ran it by YHC and got the thumbs up.  Let’s do this!

Disclaimer – Senator is a professional teacher but not exercise instructor so listen and follow directions but listen to your body if you need to modify do so

CoP   (All Exercises in Cadence)

  • 20 Side Straddle Hop
  • 20 Grass Cutters
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 LBAC front
  • 15 LBAC back
  • 15 overhead claps

Count off 1’s and 2’s, 1’s Grab coupons & head to central area near baseball fields & partner up

The Thang

AMRAP #1 (10 minutes)

  • P1 does max effort curls at top point of triangle
  • P2 runs to second corner of triangle – Merkins x 10
  • P2 runs to third corner of triangle – Copperhead Squats x 20
  • Flapjack: Repeat until time is called

AMRAP #2 (10 minutes)

  • P1 does max effort bent over rows at top point of triangle
  • P2 runs to second corner of triangle – Workins x 10
  • P2 runs to third corner of triangle – LBC x 20
  • Flapjack: Repeat until time is called

AMRAP #3  (10 minutes) Picnic Bench/Bleacher Sets (no partners)

  • 30 Step ups, 20 Tricep Dips, 10 incline Merkins
  • Rinse and Repeat

Return Coupons & Jailbreak to the flag

Countorama  11PAX



  • Assault March 12th Sign-up
  • Reach out to guys who have stopped posting and EH them back

YHC Closed in Prayer

Meatloaf NNM

  • Senator did a great job on his VQ! #tclaps  He was meet with a ton of #mumblechatter in the COP with the perfect storm brewing having Snake Oil, Juggernaut, Cagney, Polly & Meatloaf at the same workout.
  • Polly announced in the beginning that he was turned up.  The PAX asked Turned Down for What!  The mumblechatter was on from there…
  • Cagney made his return to the #gloom this morning.  Great to have you back brother!  Keep posting and #getting better we need you!
  • Cagney was wishing he had his service weapon during COP and it was noted that if he were like Derkin, who ran the 5K once with his service weapon in his boots, he would always have it with him.
  • Snake Oil it was great to see you this month and so early in the month that there is a strong chance we will see you again before March.  Please start posting regularly, 1. so you will #getbetter and 2. so this joke won’t be funny anymore.
  • Juggernaut well nuff said cause he said enough….
  • Refugee is taking 2 days off for the 5K/8K race this weekend.  Better set a world record with 2 says off for a race distance we run every week…..
  • Fartsackers this morning included Refugee, Woodpecker and Judge Hairy…Get up and Get Better

Senator NNM

  • To be determined, check back later