F3 Greenwood

MudMen Madness

17 PAX arrived at “the WOOD” Epicenter for what would prove to be a thorough full body attack. The Q was shared by the members of the F3 Greenwood MudMen Team. With the Ultimate Challenge Mudrun only a couple of months away, the shared Q was a good team building opportunity for this group of guys […]

Greenwood goes to camp…FOOTBALL CAMP.

40 men arrived in the humid Greenwood gloom Saturday and were met by visiting YHC who made time to come see this Greenwood F3 explosion for himself. And there was another explosion of pax, 40 with 4 FNGs, and nearly a few merlot explosions along the way as the pax were treated to a trip […]

While we were on the way

A little (okay, a LOT) of rain didn’t stop 25 PAX from posting at the #Epicenter for a soggy #BeatDown courtesy of YHC. YHC promised a single lap around the #Epicenter and delivered on that promise. What happened #OnTheWay, however, was a different story. Things were running smoothly in spite of the near-flood conditions at […]

Another Sadclown Dies and Meatloaf is Born

I entered college over weight (230-240lbs) out of shape and with a low-self esteem.  At the end of my first semester I decided to start losing weight and exercising. I dedicated myself and actually enjoyed exercising.  Over the next year and a half I lost 75lbs and was in the best shape of my life.  Shortly after college I meet my wife […]

Third F Bible Study

God has been amazing in the first few months men have been gathering in the gloom under the shovel flag of F3 Greenwood! His faithfulness continues as we prepare to launch a Bible study geared toward making us better men!

Capri creates a new dystopian reality at F3 Greenwood

There were 26 PAX who broke out of their #Fartsacks and literally took the #RedPill for a real #CrowdPleaser in Capri’s version of the Matrix. Since the Matrix is a cyberpunk sci-fi thriller about a new dystopian future, Capri felt it should follow that his work should create a new dystopian reality for the PAX […]

Hills and planks 2.0 with…2.0s

Twenty-one PAX and 2.0s shook the Epicenter for the final installment of F3 Dads for the summer. YHC and Meatloaf had the privilege of presiding over the brood of 2.0s who transcended the #Fartsack (yes, M’s, we taught the 2.0s the word “Fartsack!”), took the #RedPill (No, M’s, we did not administer medication. We just […]

Planking required… Shoes optional

A F3 Greenwood record number of PAX rolled out of the #fartsack and into the gloom to break in a new Q. A good many Pax were strutting around like peacocks in their new shirts. YHC is not sure if the turn-out it was to show support for his VQ or to show off their […]

Addition by Division Q&A

We are just about ready to split and start up a second AO at Emerald High School! We sent out a mass email last week that described the split and why it is necessary. You can read that email in its entirety by clicking HERE. While it is very exciting, some PAX have expressed some […]

Alright F3 Greenwood, time to see “Addition by Division” in action!

It has been incredible watching F3 Greenwood grow so quickly! It goes to show that the men in Greenwood were hungry for the Solution and have made the commitment to Get Better! You have heard that the three F’s stand for Fitness, Faith and Fellowship. In their book “Freed to Lead,” Dredd and OBT, the […]