We are just about ready to split and start up a second AO at Emerald High School! We sent out a mass email last week that described the split and why it is necessary. You can read that email in its entirety by clicking HERE. While it is very exciting, some PAX have expressed some concern. Here are some answers to common questions:
Do I have to choose just one AO?
No. PAX are fee to post at either AO at any time. You will not have to choose. We are not trying to divide loyalty; we are trying to invigorate more male leadership in our community.
Will the schedule be the same?
Not quite. Boot camp workouts will be held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. However, the new AO will begin at 0515 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and at 0600 on Saturdays. The Epicenter AO will continue holing workouts at the normal times and the run groups will continue meeting normally as well.
Won’t we lose the fellowship we’ve built at the Epicenter?
Absolutely not! There will still be plenty of Second F opportunities and you can always go post at both AOs to make sure you get a chance to sweat it out in the gloom with everyone. We will also have convergence workouts periodically where both AOs post together for one big workout.