F3 Greenwood

Same As It Ever Was…….

27 PAX including one FNG showed up on a nice and cool Thursday morning.  YHC has been under the weather for about 10 days so it was nice to get back out there and break a sweat.  That said, minimal time was available to prep for workout and YHC reverted back to a previous workout used […]

AMRAP Provided By Kaboom

Disclaimer Warm up   SSH x 35 IC LBAC x 30 IC 15 each way Imperial walkers x 25 IC Mountain climbers x 20 IC Freddy Mercury x 15 IC MERKINS X 10 IC Squats x 5 IC   MOSEY TO FOOTBALL FIELD with coupons   The Thang:   Form 3 man teams:   AMRAP […]

Love Thy Coupon

22 dedicated PAX broke out of the #fartsack and into the warm embrace of a coupon.  Unplugged and YHC were supposed to administer this #fullbodybeatdown on 09/24/15 but PAX got lucky enough to experience 2 days early due to Uncle Jesse being under the weather (#getwellsoon). Disclaimer – we may be professional drug dealers, but […]

Coupons A-Plenty

It was a late night for YHC Friday night having to call a football game in Spartanburg, but 23 PAX and two FNG’s joined YHC for a Coupon A-Plenty workout inspired by our trip to the famous Beacon Drive-In in Spartanburg before the game. The PAX, ever eager to #GetBetter, showed tremendous initiative and grabbed […]

Honoring our heroes

Six PAX took a more literal #RedPill and posted for #REDFriday at the Epicenter to honor fallen Navy SEAL Ryan Job. It was inspiring for YHC to witness men pushing past their perceived limits and discovering their 20x potential in honor a fallen hero! #TClaps Disclaimer The Thang Five burpee penalty for each man not […]

In Honor of Ryan Job

4 PAX came together at The Shipyard to honor America’s heroes with a workout inspired by Ryan Job, read his story here.  Not only were we reminded to honor the heroes that have served to defend our freedom and pay the ultimate sacrifice, but to also honor the everyday heroes in our communities; firemen, police, EMT, […]

A Cool Starbucks 5K in the Wood

18 pax with  3FNG’s came out to Starbucks for a cool almost ideal morning for a mosey around the 5K course. No skins would be playing this game as the pax were a little chilly and kept fully clothed! Disclaimer The Thang Mosey from Starbucks parking lot down By-pass up to County Bank. Turn left, Turn left and […]

Lexington takes on the BRR

YHC decided that a backblast was in order, since we did do a COT and BOM, and since no workout actually happened without a backblast, I figured all members would want credit for completing such an amazing accomplishment. This event was beyond words for YHC, my story actually starts on 9/11/14 the first time I […]

A little game of 300….

27 pax (3 FNG’s) broke the trance of their warm fartsacks to enjoy a crisp battle of the 300’s at the Shipyard. YHC was still feeling the effects of the BRR so this was going to be a mainly upperbody beatdown with coupons of course! Disclaimer COP SSHx40IC Imperial Walkersx30IC LBAC’sx20IC(10front/10back) Derkinsx10IC PrisonerSquatsx15IC The Thang YHC did […]

The Great Pyramids of Greenwood

A solid showing of 25 PAX were at the Epicenter #inthegloom for a serious Pyramid adventure. Stepping in for Meatloaf (the scheduled Q), Lite-Brite gladly offered up his services to administer a beatdown that was bound to happen regardless of who was at the helm. The cool air and visible breath led to #mumblechatter of the upcoming […]