F3 Greenwood

22 dedicated PAX broke out of the #fartsack and into the warm embrace of a coupon.  Unplugged and YHC were supposed to administer this #fullbodybeatdown on 09/24/15 but PAX got lucky enough to experience 2 days early due to Uncle Jesse being under the weather (#getwellsoon).

Disclaimer – we may be professional drug dealers, but thats where it all starts and stops


SSH, IC x25

Merkins, Qcount x 10

Squates, Qcount x15

LBAC (Front and Back), IC x20

Hand-Release Burpee, 5 OYO

Monkey Humpers, 10 OYO

The Thang

Each PAX needs a coupon (get to know it, name it, caress it…you will be best friends for next 25 mins)

12:30 AMRAP – Lower Body

  • Goal Line – Al Gore for 10 count (1,2,3…1, 1,2,3….2, etc) – some PAX claimed this made a 40 count #duggarmath
  • 25 yard line – Al Gore 10 count + 20 Erectors
  • 50 yard line – Al Gore 10 count + 20 Erectors + 30 Monkey Humpers
  • 75 yard line – Al Gore 10 count + 20 Erectors + 30 Monkey Humpers + 40 squats
  • 100 yard line – Al Gore 10 count + 20 Erectors + 30 Monkey Humpers + 40 Squats + 50 yard lunge walk
  • Mosey back to beginning Goal, rinse and repeat

12:30 AMRAP – Upper Body

  • Goal Line – 10 Overhead Presses
  • 25 yard line – 10 OH Press + 20 Curls for the Girls
  • 50 yard line – 10 OH Press + 20 Curls + 30 Bench Press
  • 75 yard line – 10 OH Press + 20 Curls + 30 Bench Press + 40 Bent Row
  • 100 yard line – 10 OH Press + 20 Curls + 30 Bench Press + 40 Bent Row + 50 Merkins
  • Mosey back to original Goal Line, rinse and repeat

Celebrity 6 MoM

  • Floyd Mayweather
  • Peter Parker
  • Burt Reynolds


Count-O, Name-O


  • convergence on Oct 3 at GCC, double down w/ Race the Helix 5K, no F3 paraphernalia if participating in 1 Mile event (per Tickle)
  • Mud Run is Oct 24, hard deadline to sign up is Oct 3
  • Nov 7 is #BigBang for Augusta, GA
  • Nov 21 is F3Greenwood leading workout for F3Augusta
  • Unplugged challenged all PAX to Go Make a Difference, today and everyday, no matter how big or small


  • Unplugged unofficially named this workout the Q-Motivator – if you don’t like it, hopefully it will motivate you to Q
  • Juggernaut found out that the audience at Shipyard is a much tougher crowd than Epicenter for his comedy routine
  • Thanks to Beaker for helping to retire flag after hitting ground, YHC will make sure a replacement is procured