Taking it seriously
Recently, YHC has been accused of taking this F3 thing a little too seriously. After much consideration and seeking the SkyQ it became apparent that this F3 thing, if applied as it is intended to be by the ones who founded it, cannot be taken too seriously. It is, quite literally, #TheSolution. So 8 PAX […]
Friggin’ COLD!
12 Pax left there 96* fartsacks for some 18* clean air and a beatdown. Bonafide CRAZY! All had gloves save one poor pax…we won’t call his name. Finally Capri shows up…now we can get this party started. Pax moseyed w YHC carrying shovel flag to the soccer field. “Circle ’round fellas!” Disclaimer. COP: SSH -20 […]
Colder than…
YHC was running late this AM and rolled up about a minute before 5:15AM. The PAX were ready for a frigid MLK Day Out-and-Back Conditions: Colder that a well digger’s…well, you know. Disclaimer given as the PAX headed out for the run. 22.5 mins out/22.5 mins back for the regular runners. Two decided to […]
Convergin’ on the Pacer!!
26 PAX from all walks of life, ages, and physical abilities converged on the Epicenter and yours truly, “Pacer”, this morning with the purpose of…PAINS n GAINS!! Disclaimer: I am not a professional. Perform the workout and exercises according to your ability and as always, modify as necessary! COP: Jog in place x 30 secs […]
The Amazing Transformation of JudgeHairy
A few weeks ago, I began soliciting stories from the PAX of F3 Greenwood to show how F3 has impacted their lives. My thought was that I would chat with the guy to get a feel for his story, then sit down and interview him before writing up a nice puff piece about he went […]
Natty championship recognition celebration
Everyone was missing college football so we wanted to honor the outstanding efforts of the players from Alabama and Clemson. Disclaimer Warm ups SSH 45 IC LBAC 20 forward and 20 backword IC Not much time so we moved right to: THE THANG To honor all players that were responsible for two or more touchdowns, […]
Straight Work
YHC is glad to take a Q as often as needed and possible and this month presents many options with few PAX stepping up to Q. I’ve been a little behind on my BB’s but seeking to right the course now. Conditions: Cold so lets get to work Grab 2 bricks and mosey to middle […]
“We can be heroes, just for one day…”
RIP David Bowie – I never really got extremely into his music, but appreciate the impact on so many other artists. Definitely a different cat. 9 PAX awoke early after what I would assume was a late night watching the CFB championship game. It was cold. We got right to work and didn’t stop until […]
Fight. You must fight. Fight!
The Magnificent 7 PAX posted Tuesday morning in spite of a late night hating our state, er… I mean cheering for that Upstate team in the Natty. None of them expected speeches and flowers, but they came as men. After all, if God did not want them sharpened he would not have made them men. […]
Extreme couponing meets celebrity news lady
It was an unseasonably warm and moist morning at the Shipyard, perfect opportunity for 17 PAX, including one very brave FNG, to come out for a lesson in extreme couponing AND meet one pretty famous news lady. As someone pointed out on Twitter, Greta is a cold mistress to serve for anyone, let alone a […]