It was an unseasonably warm and moist morning at the Shipyard, perfect opportunity for 17 PAX, including one very brave FNG, to come out for a lesson in extreme couponing AND meet one pretty famous news lady. As someone pointed out on Twitter, Greta is a cold mistress to serve for anyone, let alone a #SadClown who decided to take his first #RedPill. No one told him that making your first workout one where YHC is the Q is a bad idea.
- SSH x 60 IC #CrowdPleaser
- Merkins x 10 IC
- WhirleyBoy x 60 IC
- Burpees x 10 OYO
Mosey to practice field and get ready!
- 10 min. AMRAP #1
- Sprint to opposite end of field
- 21 merkins, 15 squats, 9 burpees
- Sprint back
- Rinse and repeat until time is called
- 10 min. AMRAP #2
- Sprint to opposite end of field
- 21 WhirleyBoys (count one side), 15 big boy situps, 9 V-ups
- Sprint back
- Rinse and repeat until time is called
- Greta
- Partner up and work toward cumulative totals of:
- 100 coupon swings
- 200 Manmakers (audibled to 100 after time was getting close)
- 300 thrusters
- P1 carries a block to opposite end of field and drops it off
- P2 runs down grabs block and brings it back down
- Rinse and repeat until all work is complete
- Partner up and work toward cumulative totals of:
- Circle up and hit 60 LBCs IC
- Welcome FNG Nick Beasley as WhiteCollar!
- NEXT WEEK! Convergence. One workout at Epicenter 0630. Q School will be held afterward at Howard’s. Make plans to be there.
- We will host our first #CSAUP – #TheAssault – on 3/12/16. More info here:
- You can register for #TheAssault here:
- Join the F3Nation LinkedIn group. YHC is the QIC and promises you will be sharpened with the content being provided by some of the greatest leaders in F3Nation. Join today!
We talk a lot about leadership in F3. YHC loves the phrase “lead from the front.” Our workouts reflect that mantra, as they are peer-led and you often hear chants of “Don’t Q it if you can’t do it!” when the Q struggles a little bit.
We have a great model of leading from the front in Philippians 2: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”
The SkyQ knew we needed a leader and provided one in Jesus. Jesus led from the front. He could have all of Heaven and Earth at his disposal, but instead he chose to lead from the front and become like us. We have an advocate who knows exactly what we go through. He leads from the front.
There was some great discussion recently among some men who know a thing or two about leadership: Dredd and GnarlyGoat. Here was Dredd’s take on the difference between leaders and influencers:
Leadership has more components. First, Vision (the unique Outcome of Advantage). Second, Articulation (the ability to describe the Vision). Third, Persuasion (the ability to inspire Movement toward the Outcome). Fourth, Exhortation (the ability to coax men through the Obstacles that inevitably appear during Movement).
Perhaps, summed up, it could be said that leadership implies the direct implementation of the intelligence (influencer) and the inspiration and instruction (coach).
Today, lead from the front in your marriage, your home, your community.
NakedMan Moleskin
- YHC looked around and realized he was surrounded by a legion of TaterTech fans. Almost caused #Merlot to come forth
- Said TaterTech fans thought it was funny that Coach Muschamp selected #SpursUp as a hashtag. That is typically what is said to denote the dead chicken at cock fight. Clearly, CoachBoom is not from the great state of South Carolina.
- Speaking of dead chickens, the PAX were giving Alpo a good bit of grief over the smell which emanates from the dog food plant where he works. “Smells like money to me,” he quipped.
- Until the subject of dead chickens (none of which were choked to death, thankfully), the #Mumblechatter was limited. This is the AO where no one likes each other. Until there is a Gamecock among them, at which point they pounce like rabid dogs on a bunch of stray cats.
- We welcomed WhiteCollar with open arms. He promptly told us he wished he could say he enjoyed it. Aye, brother, a compliment indeed!