YHC is glad to take a Q as often as needed and possible and this month presents many options with few PAX stepping up to Q. I’ve been a little behind on my BB’s but seeking to right the course now.
Conditions: Cold so lets get to work
Grab 2 bricks and mosey to middle of soccer field, drop bricks and mosey to grab a coupon from maximum security compound.
10 Manmakers OYO
10 LBAC Forward IC
10 IW IC
10 Thrusters OYO
10 Windmill IC
10 LBAC Reverse IC
The Triple 8 Minute Thang
21-tricep extensions w/Brick each arm
15-American Hammer w/2 bricks
9-Adrian (IC)
Run to other side of field 5 Monkey Humpers (add 1 Rep each time)
21-Bent Over Rows
15-Dying Coachroches
9-Block Rows
Run to other side of field 5 Jump Squats (add rep each time)
21-Chest Press
15-Flutter Kicks
9-Triceps Extension w/Block
Run to other side of field IC Air Squats (add rep each time)
10 LBAC w/bricks Forward IC
20 Heel Taps IC
10 Air Squat w/arms to side holding bricks IC
20 Flutterkicks IC
10 LBAC w/bricks Reverse IC
Return blocks and bricks and meet at flag.
Countorama 9 PAX decided to #getbetter
- Convergence @Epicenter this Saturday 6:30 be there no excuses
- Feb. 6th is the 5K or 8K Run Your Ice Off
- Assault March 12th
Prayer Requests
- Fabio unspoken and M family with loss of loved one
BOM YHC Closed in Prayer
Naked Man Moleskin
- Polly #fartsacked today so instructions were much easier and did not need to be repeated.
- As has become YHC usual I’m so eager to get to work I usually yell out the disclaimer as we take off, today was no exception. Flossy commented he always has to remind me or give it himself. Can we get #flyindisclaimer in the Lexicon Juggernaut in YHC honor.
- Speaking of Flossy, always nice to have the Nantan in house. Thanks for honoring us with your presence at the Mother Ship of F3Greenwood, The Epicenter
- Snake Oil made his monthly post, see you in February brother. He noted his arms were sore in the COT and YHC noted if you posted more often your arms would not be sore, #justsayin. Would love to have you post more often, always good #mumblechatter when your there, either you directing or it being directed at you.
- Bricks are a game changer folks, you will see those again soon.
- #tclaps to Fabio for totally ignoring doctors orders to stay the hell (his words, not mine) away from us. Once you’ve posted to an F3 workout you will not be able to stay away, unless your Snake Oil.
- Juggernaut was seen bustin a move before the workout to YHC Lecare playing on what Jug thought was my watch, crazy fool that’s my Wenkie playing music.
- #tclaps to Senator for being one of the faithful posters @Epicenter. Gotta get him to Q and get on Twitter.
- YHC is looking for Capri to Q again soon. I’m sending out a smoke signal now since he has unplugged, will try Morse code next.
- Speaking of Capri he taught me the lovely exercise Adrian. Those were a crowdpleaser today. 9 count IC is a long time I heard several PAX’s saying, well except Polly as he #fartsacked.
- Woodpecker noted the PAX have come to love to hate YHC when he Q’s. YHC takes that as the highest complement.