F3 Greenwood

The Shirts are Available for Pre-Order

You took a bite out of COE sandwichYou channeled your Care Bear loving selfYou rang the BelleYou honored Mrs. BurnsYou survived the Skinny RunnerAnd you slayed the Kraken and the bunnyNow, it’s time for the shirt…. Pre-order is now open.https://f3.mudgear.com/products/f3-greenwood-ipc-2022-pre-order-october-2022 Timing: Pre-orders will be taken until end of day 10/19/2022. Delivery Timing: These shirts will then […]

There’s Gold In Them There Hills

Conditions- upper 30’s One minute warning and disclaimer given. All sorts of good stuff going on this morning. Some ran fast, some moseyed, some ran hills, some rucked, some wore vests, some threw in some merkins, some went long, and some stayed close. Whatever your flavor is, Hero Hills has a spot for it. COT- […]


Conditions- low 50’s One Minute warning and disclaimer given Warm up- mosey to the cage Grab a coupon and set it at the path from the cage to the Roundhouse. The Thang- Looney WOD This hero workout is dedicated to Lt. Brendan Looney, a Navy SEAL, who was one of the nine U.S. troops killed […]

Muckin’ around at A-town Pistol

A simple inquiry into whether there was a BC option at the brand new, almost official Pistol AO – and suddenly YHC is leading a guest Q site unseen. Here’s how it went. Conditions: high 60’s, humidity 100% WU SSH x30 IW x25 Copperhead squats IC x20 CTG x15 Bonnie Blairs IC x10 The Thang […]

IPC 2021 Week 3 at GHS Football Field

Conditions: Damp from the rain the day before and chilly with no humidity from the system that brought the rain. The Wobble: Counted, Named, Announced, Prayed, Left. Announcements: Saturday boot-camp is at Terrapin this week. The new Q-Sheet is here. Get your name on the list to Q. If you can’t find your name in […]

When in the mountains…

YHC and Nomad were on this work thing, and were missing the official 9/11 workout, so decided to do our own up in the mountains of North Carolina. Conditions: Crispy mountain air but somehow still humid in Flat Rock, NC Disclaimer WU SSH x25 IW x20 CTG x15 The Thang 800m run in the hills […]

Bear in a spider web

Conditions:  HUMID!!! with no breeze.  Typical Southeastern weather.  67 degrees and 100% humidity. With IronPax week zero (Capoot) on deck for tomorrow, no merkins and light leg movements were administered this morning. Warm-up: 1 burpee 20 imperial Walker’s in cadence 2 burpees 20 side straddle hops in cadence 3 burpees 20 cut the grass in […]

Nothing Aluminum About This Workout!!

Disclaimer: Omitted.  Every guy that posted knew what kind of hurt and misery they were getting into and no one needed to hear it again from me. Conditions: Hot, Really Freakin Hot, and Humid  We would normally have been at Fury this fine morning, but the track at the local Y provided a better locale.  […]

DR F3Greenwood IOP

Lone pax, taking it to the beach. 75 and humid. Disclaimer given to myself. Warmup SSH x30 IW x20 LBAC x20 forward and reverse 10 burpees The thang: 24 merkins 24 LBCs 24 squats 24 lunges Run about 100-200 yards Rinse and repeat. Got about 5 round before 911 just about had to be called, […]

March Update

Nantan Notes What do you want?  Do you want to be more healthy?  Do you want to be a better husband?  Do you want to run a half marathon?  Do you want to look good in the mirror?  Do you want a better job?  Do you want to conquer some fear? When do you plan […]