F3 Greenwood

Riding the Tidal Wave

Eight pax rode a tidal wave of pain at Tsunami, five of whom joined YHC for a double down at Shipyard beforehand. When the wave crested, the pax were spent and there was much destruction in the wake – destruction of #SadClowns, that is! Hot and humid were the conditions. Hydration is important. Stay hydrated, […]

1776…or there abouts

In 1776, a group of brave men drafted and signed a declaration… a simple piece of parchment with a handful of words in a well thought out order that when signed became a proverbial middle finger directed at an oppressive government…the Declaration of Independence … Revolution ensued a long, drawn out, hard fought by hard […]

Massive Wave at Tsunami

Double Digits at tsunami…what a turnout.  I wanted to rehash an earlier workout I led at the early version of the Shipyard.  Burpee Broad Jumps have become a go-to in my workout bc they require a tremendous amount of effort and gas you out quickly.  I also needed to make the workout heavy on merkins as […]

Pusher returns to the fun Qs and brings back the tunes

When QIC started Qing over a year ago, he usually had to do Saturdays because weekday was too hard, at least that was excuse.  So, when I ran them, I tried to make the hour interesting by bringing in games and music.  Went over well I think.   So , when I was asked to pick […]

Soggy Bottoms All Around

I came in hot with about a minute and a half to go before start time. I jumped out of my car and issued the one minute warning as I tied my shoes. 7 pax posted today for a soggy, humid beat down. Disclaimer was given at 6 and off we went down to the […]

My Neck and My Back

  I went to bed last night with all intentions of doubling down for BabyBlu’s birthday bonanza, only to wake up this morning with a tweak in my back that doesn’t feel great.  In an effort to make sure it doesn’t get worse I decided against Blu’s Q and significantly modified my workout at Tsunami […]

Deja Vu

In 2006, Denzel Washington came out with a movie called Deja Vu.  Great movie.  Reccommend to all. Nothing to do with workout , except I have been given grief for doing this workout once monthly.  Although there is Fury’s Revenge, Battleship, several amraps that some PAX repeat over and over, etc. ,  for some reason […]

Needed A Ride Home

I was on the front end of a double down when I saw the Tsunami crew coming down the stairs.  Without thinking, I rejoined the Shipyard COT.  Pusher came and got me…”If you don’t mind, Sunshine.  Can we get started?” Kickoff: Disclaimer Warmup: 10 SSHIC, 10 IWIC, 10 Cut the GrassIC Meat: For the next […]

Alice Cooper rules

9 PAX caught the Tsunami Wave.  Now that school’s out for summer, I’m thinking the numbers at Tsunami will rise like the tides.  I know I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to double down and get some more work in.  We had 5 double downers (YHC, Sunshine, Buck, Ball Bag, Pusher) this morning.   It was a […]