I was on the front end of a double down when I saw the Tsunami crew coming down the stairs. Without thinking, I rejoined the Shipyard COT. Pusher came and got me…”If you don’t mind, Sunshine. Can we get started?”
10 SSHIC, 10 IWIC, 10 Cut the GrassIC
For the next 20 minutes we played 21 with the CurlPress/Mountain Climber with 30 yards between spots. Blueprint was nearly complete before we called recover.
The final 20 was a starfish/4 corners. Exercises in the corners were Manmakers, Merkins, Goblet Squats, and Kettle Bell Swings. The middle exercise was BBSUs. Everything in sets of 10. We had slight confusion with the coupons being in the appropriate spots – Blueprint to the rescue. Sets of 10 was light, but getting up and down from one station to the next for 20 minutes offered its own drain.
We also rocked out, lots of singing along…love it. In the end, I was beat enough to ask Round Up for a ride home…embarassing.
Fo’ Sheezzie My Neezzie, Keep My Arm So Greezzie.