F3 Greenwood

A Weaver Birthday Lunge Tour of Talon

YHC has not completed week 3 of the IPC yet and figured that all of the other PAX who were going to post this morning would still be recovering from already completed it, so the plan was a little recover, a lot of core, and to not be too sore for tomorrow’s running of week […]

Brick by Brick

WARMUP 30 SSH 30 Imperial Walkers WORKOUT Each Pax grab 2 Brick’s a piece from the back of the truck and carry above head to the football field. 20 LBAC in cadence with Brick’s, forward, reverse.  These were real shoulder burners after Tuesdays Iron Pax Challenge. 20 flutters with bricks in hands side to side. […]

Get Your Free Prescription Of Growacet Here……

Conditions- High 60’s and HUMID! Location- Greenwood Family YMCA 0459- one minute warning and disclaimer given 0500- showtime The Thang- Round 1- 10 Manmakers 20 Overhead Presses 30 Kettlebell Swings 40 Goblet Squats 50 Incline Block Merkins 1,600m run Rinse and repeat for rounds 2, 3, and 4 with the following modification. Decrease run by […]

Running around Iron pax

The AOQ offered the Q to me last night and I agreed. Was not sure what to do there because I had not seen the area well in the daylight but I decided to come up with a 4 corner work around the field to watch and root on the guys doing the IPC. weather: […]

IPC 2019 Wk1 (Talon/Fury)

We closed Fury today and converged at Talon for IPC week 1 workout.  The guys were impressive. Sugar and UJ proctored and Papercut went for a mosey:   Everyone else:   Killer B Workout 5 rounds for time. Starting at the goal line, broad jump to the 10 yard line and do 10 burpees, 10 […]

Deconstructed BOMBS

After going through somewhat of a BC drought, YHC is trying to get back on track.  To the point that YHC is even signing up for Q’s to assure attendance.  Since the Iron PAX challenge is coming up soon, YHC decided to use one of the 2018 challenges (modified a little) for ‘practice’.  After getting […]

What happened to Shipyard AO?

This backblast is actually for Shipyard, but when you wait 2 weeks to submit AO’s can disappear. The warmup: Koby spent the first 15 minutes doing his patented ab/plank routine. The thang: Mosey to practice field with coupons and split into teams of 3. The work consists of 2 work stations at opposite corners of […]

Be the Rod

Conditions: 72* F with 91% Humidity Disclaimer: Given No Warmup This is the way it happened Circle up around the flag for a little bit of intense core work. 45/15 45 seconds of Core exercise and 15 second to complete 10 merkins Flutter Kicks  Reverse Crunches  Plank Hip Dips Single Leg Bridge Right Single Leg […]