F3 Greenwood

We closed Fury today and converged at Talon for IPC week 1 workout.  The guys were impressive.

Sugar and UJ proctored and Papercut went for a mosey:


Everyone else:


Killer B Workout

5 rounds for time. Starting at the goal line, broad jump to the 10 yard line and do 10 burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs (counting each leg), and 10 big boi sit-ups. After completing the sit-ups, broad jump to the 20 yard line and repeat the exercises. Rinse and repeat to the 30 yard line. After completing the exercises at the 30 yard line, bearcrawl back to the goal line. Repeat this process 4 more times for a total of 5 rounds.


Times can be found here:




Unbelievable amount of effort from the guys.


Always someone better than you out there.