F3 Greenwood

This backblast is actually for Shipyard, but when you wait 2 weeks to submit AO’s can disappear.

The warmup:

Koby spent the first 15 minutes doing his patented ab/plank routine.

The thang:

Mosey to practice field with coupons and split into teams of 3. The work consists of 2 work stations at opposite corners of the field and the transition between the work stations.  Numbers are cumulative for each team.

Station 1 work:  150 Thrusters, 200 American Hammers, 300 Curls

Station 2 work:  150 Merkins, 200 jungle boy Squats, 300 Flutter kicks

Transition:  Run backwards on goal line to other side of field, do 5 burpees and then sprint to other end of field.

One team member will always be at each station and one in transistion.

After some confusion and additional explanation all teams started to do the work.  Recover was called and we made our way back to the parking lot for COT


After serving well at the Shipyard, Beano officially handed the AOQ duties off to Quickie.

Quickies first order of business will be to close Shipyard and move to the new AO at Greenwood Christian.  The new AO “Talon” is now open and will have its second bootcamp this Thursday.

Don’t remember much else given the late posting of this backblast.