Just another day at Omni
Disclaimer given we headed North on Calhoun for 22.5 and 22.5 back ….work was done, sweat did run count name pray prayers for Haiti and all those in Mathews path
Hills, and Merkins and Crunches, Oh My!
As much as I love running, I thought it was time to mix it up a bit this morning. The PAX were receptive to the modifications and I think they enjoyed the workout. Here it is: Conditions: A cool 62*. Perfect running weather Disclaimer and explanation of work given. Headed out to the Cambridge Bowl […]
Seizing the Rainy Day!
26 faithful pax came out for a nice cool morning run at Starbucks. Various distances were run at various speeds. Many ran fast, some ran slow, some just ran. YHC was glad to see so many pax out for today’s run. Also, welcome to Matt Reynolds, FNG! (aka Paper Cut!). COT: Countorama, Nameorama, Announcements Opportunity […]
#f3greenwood #fountainhead #mondayrun #outnback #runthewood #toomanyhashtags
Disclaimer given, pax chose from usual routes (out-and-back, Cambridge park run-by, or mall-loop). The Thang aka puttin one foot ahead of the other count, names, announcing things (Helix run, convergence this weekend), prayers (especially for JudgeHairy) and devo and gettin gone
First Fall Hustle….still hot
Disclaimer given, work started w a slow mosey to the track…. the thang was laps….we’ll call em AMLAPs and sweat, that was done as well count, name, announce(news letter), prayer requests…several including JudgeHairy prayer
Misty Mtn/West Cambridge Park Combo
YHC is posting this on behalf of Weaver who did a great job this morning on his VQ, the first of many Q’s. I believe a bootcamp VQ is in the near future as well. This is a great read and strikes at the heart of what F3 is all about men! Here’s what Weaver […]
When more than merkins are needed.
34 Pax took to the streets of Greenwood at the weekly Starbucks run. Movement across pavement was done by all at varying speeds and distances. During the COT – a special guest addressed the group. Conditions, cool and dry, perfect running weather. Disclaimer The Thang: We ran. Some went fast, some went slow, all went […]
YHC did some run’n Sunday morning before church with three fine fellows. After the run, 2nd F started with me mentioning I was not on the Run the Wood Q sheet and that I was interested in Qing. Unclebuck and Juggernaut got together for a quick tech check next thing Juggs says ok your on […]
Did someone really yell HARAMBE!!!
YHC has embraced the Hustle…for the 2nd week in a row, YHC has Qed the AO he fears most…the Fury of the run AOs, Hustle With disclaimer issued, we moseyed to the track where we proceeded to run 1/4s at your own pace and recovery…. countOrama, nameOrama, prayers NMM…..at some point during one of the […]
Hey! Let’s run to Junior!
YHC has hijacked some Q’s lately just to go on a selfish crusade to stray from the norm….today was no different. Every F3 runner in the Wood knows on Friday we will be running one of a handful of routes that are hill repeats routes…..BORING!!!! We gotta change it up every once in a while […]