YHC has hijacked some Q’s lately just to go on a selfish crusade to stray from the norm….today was no different. Every F3 runner in the Wood knows on Friday we will be running one of a handful of routes that are hill repeats routes…..BORING!!!! We gotta change it up every once in a while and that’s what we did today….
Disclaimer given, we set out to run to Junior. Junior is a bad little beast of a hill that is a part of Fury. It’s not terribly long but steep….and after a 2 mile run to junior, it’s tough….so “if you make it to Junior, run up Junior and return”…..there are 2 fairly decent hills to climb on the way back so this ended being a good “real life” hill run
count, name, announcements, prayer request, Meatloaf prayed us out
YHC decided to start today, sharing what he’s learned from runin…YHC is calling this UncleBucks rules of runin…I am not a professional, this is just what I’ve learned on my own and will share this in a series of Q’s…..
UB’s #1 rule of runin, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should….in other words, be mindful of your body and how it feels….you may wake up feeling good, but if you’ve done many miles w little rest, you probably need s break…take it. In short, be smart
as always, it is a pleasure to be such a tiny part of this huge machine we call F3…later fellas