F3 Greenwood

I get stupid, I mean outrageous …

2 pax kept Hustle alive on a nice spring morning in the wood. At go time, YHC and Thumper agreed to make the thang simple and settled on an OnB with the option to turn it into a fartlek run. Disclaimer: skipped, but not forgotten The route: run as far as you can in the […]

Monday in the Gloom

6 posted for an accelerated start to the week with an OnB on Montague Conditions: 59F and clear skies Disclaimer: Not given The THANG: Run from the Fountainhead North up Montague for 22.5 minutes, then turn around and come back. The idea is to return at or before 0600. COT Announcements: New Weekend Schedule is […]

We’ve always been out of our minds

Conditions: Awesome! (until) Earlier in the week, Flossy asked if anyone could take his Hills Q on Friday. He needed extra space in his schedule for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (what could that be?). I’d been itching to try a new route (new to me), so I raised my hand. As YHC stepped from the car, […]

The Last Coffee Run in March

Coffee Runs had 18 pax post and get better. March has been a little crazy. It’s been really really cold, and really warm. It has poured down rain and lightening and then other days it’s been dry. Some days we’ve had 30 pax post, and others have totaled less than 10. Today was a dry […]

Spring is Here

Conditions were perfect for a run in the Gloom. 6 PAX gathered at the Uptown Fountain for the weekly edition of F3 Greenwood’s OutnBack. Uncle Buck, Boy George, and Fabio couldn’t wait for the 5:15 take-off and went XL. Good for y’all. The rest of us, Special K, Cobra Kai, and myself, took off at […]

The Pyramid

3 pax posted for some #Hustle on a nice morning in #TheWood. YHC did not know what to expect numbers wise because our Nantan Sugar was the only HC before. Thankfully, Weaver was present and we even had an appearance from the #Hustle Flag. So we moseyed down to the track……. Disclaimer was given and […]

RED Hills OnB

YHC was the “substitute” Q this morning, but unlike middle school, there was no slacking off…work was done…   weather was pleasant, disclaimer was issued, off we go… the Route…OnB down Grace, with a mild modification and a few other things…who cares, runin was done Immediatly following the return of the “6” we circled up, […]

I’m Feeling 22

In honor of the 22 Pax who posted this morning at #coffeeruns, I offer this gift of such great cultural significance (see link to YouTube above). Conditions:  cloudy, 56 degrees with a 4mph breeze (after a stormy, rainy night).  Disclaimer given.  Pax parted ways – some ran 5k, some ran 5 miles.  At 6AM, we […]

Maybe no one will show…….

A couple of weeks ago, YHC signed up to Q today’s #Hustle for F3RunTheWood. This run has become a favorite of mine to work on getting a little more speed. What better way to make sure you show up and do the harder thing than to sign up to Q the pax? Well, that all […]

The bowl, the spur, and bearcats

YHC was a little concerned after noticing the recruiting push by Uncle Jesse late last night for #REDFriday.  It was too late to start recruiting for the hills so I thought it might be a lonely number at the fountain this morning.  When I pulled in, the batmobile was a welcome sight sitting the the parking lot. […]