F3 Greenwood

3 pax posted for some #Hustle on a nice morning in #TheWood. YHC did not know what to expect numbers wise because our Nantan Sugar was the only HC before. Thankfully, Weaver was present and we even had an appearance from the #Hustle Flag. So we moseyed down to the track…….

Disclaimer was given and then the work would be explained. A pyramid would bring the pain on this day. It would go something like this.

2 lap warm-up

1 lap hard

2 laps easy

2 laps hard

2 laps easy

3 laps hard

2 laps easy

4 laps hard

2 laps easy and back down pyramid if possible.

Announcements and prayers were said. Please keep Smoky’s family in your prayers after his dad passed away, a coworker of Weavers has been diagnosed with cancer, Rocky and his continuing cancer treatments, Bojangles’ family after their adopted son passed away last week.

Nice work today guys. Heck of a return to running for Sugar. Nothing like going to Hustle when you have not run in 3 months. Good to have Weaver out there. I’m pretty sure he equated todays run to a cleansing. Audiovisual issues were handled post COT. Sugar has a new side job. #tclaps men!