In honor of the 22 Pax who posted this morning at #coffeeruns, I offer this gift of such great cultural significance (see link to YouTube above).
Conditions: cloudy, 56 degrees with a 4mph breeze (after a stormy, rainy night). Disclaimer given. Pax parted ways – some ran 5k, some ran 5 miles. At 6AM, we gathered for COT. Name-O-Rama, Count-O-Rama. Announcements: F3 Dads workout this Saturday at Fury with Meathloaf as Q at 8AM, Fury is also open this Saturday (Hells Bells) with Alpo and Flossy as Qs. Prayer concerns: Rocky, Pusher’s mom (breast cancer), Piddler’s father-in-law does have cancer but is in remission, Fabio’s M (Flu).
Quick Devo inspired by Richard Foster’s book: “The Freedom of Simplicity.” Fabio issued a challenge for the pax to give away the material possessions that are cluttering their lives and that serve as material “baggage.” The challenge is simple: find one thing every day/week/month to give away to Goodwill or Hospice Store. This discipline of charity and simplicity can allow us, as Christ followers, to part ways with our “spiritual baggage” as well (grudges, anger, revenge, greed, self-centeredness).