F3 Greenwood

I’m good, it’s Friday finally

After some pretty good storms on Thursday night, the weather cleared nice for some runin (or walkin) early Friday morning…with the disclaimer issued we were off,,, The route was the standard OnB from the Fountainhead and per usual, it was there, in the gloom, like an old friend just waiting on you to show up… […]

Starbucks Run 6/14/17

35 pax gathered at Starbucks for the weekly 5k/mile (or longer) run. Disclaimer given after a quick explanation of the routes at 5:15. Off we went on our respective routes and everyone returned by 6 for COT: Counts, Names Announcements: Book club will not be meeting this week. It will pick back up next Friday […]

Almost Summer OnB

Disclaimer given and 9 Pax started out their Monday morning on the right foot at the OnB run.  Some went early and made it 5 miles, most ran the usual 4.5 miles.  Special K experienced some hamstring difficulty  and was rescued by Piddler to join the COT. Count-a-rama Name-a-rama Announcements: Read the newsletter and mumblechatter is […]


9 pax hustled through a little track work and visit to the Concrete Monster. Here’s how things went down: Conditions: 66 and no short supply of sweat Disclaimer: given Warm-up: 2 laps around the track Sprints: Start at the light pole at the bleaches and sprint to the light pole at the other end of […]

TheGoatTrack is Open

The BRR is looming…3 months seems like a decent amount of time, but when trying to get ready for the mountains, every day counts. Last year, we used CloversCorner as the official BRR training ground and used the routes that will now be known as TheGoatTrack on an unofficial, rogue basis. TheGoatTrack meets on Friday […]

Caught in a DeathStar tractor beam

Dumdumdum dumdadum dumdadum / dumdumdum dumdadum dumdadum “A long time ago, in a galaxy really close by” YHC was caught in a powerful tractor beam this morning…some PAX refer to this as the “fartsack”, I prefer to call it what it is, my warm, soft, comfy bed….now I know Obi-wan is all knowing and his […]


12 pax showed for the inaugural MiracleMile Disclaimer YHC received an email from Strava suggesting we run our fastest mile. I thought that sounded cool so I asked a few Pax, they showed interest, hence we ran it. Everything went perfectly.  No one miscounted, got fuzzy math, or lost their minds on how many pax […]

Cool Coffee Runs

29 PAX dragged themselves out of the fartsack for the weekly run from Starbucks. What better way to observe National Running Day than to get in a few miles and enjoy some 2nd F. Conditions:Chilly  for a June morning Disclaimer given at 5:15. Several runners went on the normal 5k route, some went for 5 […]

Polly goes beastmode

With many of the pax looking to run a Miracle Mile, YHC wondered if there’d be anyone to run with for the normal OnB fountain run.  YHC arrived at the fountain at 0455 with no one around except a man and woman walking a dog down Court St (this may be common, I’ve never been […]

Going Old School

YHC was planning to only post to HeroHills and get in a few sprints on the smaller of the two hills while wearing the weight vest and allowing Flossy to Q and therefore write this BB. Somewhere along the way Thursday night, YHC got the impression that Flossy was itching to make up from his […]