F3 Greenwood

Polly is NOT a rapist!

The morning was crisp but otherwise perfect for a beatdown. Low expectations were set since YHC hasn’t Q’d in quite a while, but BenGay is relentless in his AOQ-pressure, so here we are.

Arms? What Arms?

YHC pulled up at Epicenter in the gloomy cool foggy morning. Coupons were in order so the cage was opened. Upon returning the usual suspects had appeared Weaver, Tickle and Ben Gay. Disclaimer given Warm up 20- SSH 10 Arm Circles forward and then reverse 10- Over head claps Work All moseyed to the coupon […]

Don’t Tell Me What To Do Devil Woman!

PAX- Otis, Encinoman, Tickle, BenGay, 2C, Southern Belle, Mac n Cheese(2ndF) Conditions- 40 degrees 5:59- disclaimer and one minute warning given. Warm up 20 SSH IC15 Cut The Grass IC10 Jungle Boi Squats OYO5 Burpees OYO Head to the coupon cage. Grab a coupon and head to the center of the soccer field. 4 corners […]

Who Killed the Q?

YHC got a little nervous when he overheard Otis say that this would be a great title of a book or movie on one of the trips back down Flossy’s Hill. But, YHC got a little more nervous on a return trip back up Flossy’s Hill when Otis was continuing to conspire with Tickle and […]

Of plans laid . . . and changed

PAX: Tickle, Trojan, SouthernBelle, 2C, Bengay, Jugz YHC was pleased to see five other pax at the #Mothership this early morn for what was intended to be one thing and then turned into something totally different. More on that later. Conditions were cold enough for Bengay to rock some long sleeves (just a long sleeve […]

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s….a BLIMP

YHC has been out of town for the past 8 days enjoying the sun with the M in Aruba. And while there was great intentions when YHC packed or utilizing the fitness room on the resort, that didn’t happen. So YHC figured there was no better way to defeat the fartsack then to sign up […]

Farmer’s Carry Circle of Life

To avoid further approbrium from Uncle Jesse, here is yesterday’s Epicenter BB YHC made his return to Saturday morningto make up for too many missed days earlier in the week.  YHC introduced the Pax to the Farmer’s Circle of life! Conditions:  Frigid and windyThe Pax: Southern Belle, Pusher, Sugar, 2C, Boy George, Otis, Judge HairyDisclaimerCOP:       […]

Happy New Year!

New Years Day: PAX: Lego, Sunshine, SpecialK, Juggernaut, Polly, Brute, Hulk, T- Rav, Pusher, 2C, Dixie Chick, Pusher, BenGay, A dozen PAX got of bed to make to make it to the Epicenter to start the New Year off right! It was wet, but warm. The wetness was felt quickly as YHC almost took a […]

The Swamp

Conditions were good this morning. 28 degrees and clear skies.  I had rather be cold than hot any day of the week.  One minute warning and disclaimer given. Warm-up   25 SSH IC Mosey to the coupon cage.  This turned out to be an adventure.  I knew it would be very wet this morning, but I […]