F3 Greenwood

Bear crawls and Backpedals

5:59 Disclaimer Given 6:00 Work started Warmup 25 SSH ( on ur on count) 30 sec plank 25 SSH (on ur on count) 30 sec plank The Work We took off on a mosey towards Hunters Creek to begin our day. We stopped at the Entrance and did 10 Merkins 10 Squats 10 LBC’s Then […]

Hudson Fryar Tribute

YHC saw this tribute come across Twitter from F3NWArkansas earlier in the week and wanted a chance to honor Hudson Fryar so when Sunshine had to backout of his Q today at Talon due to injury, YHC jumped at the chance. Disclaimer was given (a little late. YHC lost track of time.) Warm-up SSH x […]

The Four Corners of a Triangle

YHC signed up for this Q in hopes of being able to utilize the big tire that always seems to be neglected at this AO. This was supposed to be an easy day… Conditions: Misty, almost raining, but not quite.  Mid60’s. Disclaimer: Given Music: Set at opposite ends to the triangular square. The Warm Up:  […]

4 Corners

5:59 Disclaimer 6:00 Warm up 25 SSH IC (in memory of Foreclosure missing for Auction) 25 Cut the Grass IC. (We may have went through these a little fast because  I was Already winded. grab a block and meet I. parking lot The Work Round 1 25 curls 25 overhead presses 25 vertical chest press […]

10 for a FMOM and Half Murph (minus the running)

FMOM? What’s an FMOM….keep reading to find out. Tweeter was on the docket to Q at Talon this morning and YHC was planning to head over to Fury to see what fun and games Sunshine had in store but Tweeter seems to be on the DL and called YHC last night and asked for a […]

a THOROUGH warmup + Dora

October 3, 2020 – Q at Talon Disclaimer The Work: THOROUGH 15 minute warm-up included: (50 side straddle hops in cadence, 25 imperial walkers in cadence, 25 cut the grass in cadence, six activities of 20 reps in cadence for shoulder blast, 30-50 air squats on your own,  50 flutter kicks in cadence, 25 […]

Do. We. Have. A. Problem…?

18 PAX gathered on a brisk September morning to either run, get in a mobile bootcamp, or complete week 3 of IPC.  It was fun, guys pushed each other, and we enjoyed coffeeteria afterwards.  So basically, exactly how F3 is supposed to work.  Great to see high numbers again on Saturday.   For those who […]

Building a pyramid in the rain

YHC arrived at Talon about 5:10 this morning amid the steady rain that is now Tropical Depression Sally as she pushes toward the NE.  Dixie Chick rolled in the parking lot shortly after YHC and Special K wasn’t far behind.  Two HIM were ready to go, so let’s get to the work. Warmup: 25 SSH […]

The not IPC Whatever 2X Dora

YHC knew he wanted to get out there, and also had no interest in repeating IPC. 5:14, disclaimer 5:15, mosey to front parking lot Warmup, 20 SSH IC, 20 Cut the Grass, IC, 20 Plank leg lifts IC Werk, Double Dora 1, 2, 3.  We worked up and down the driveway in front of the […]

VQ Turns Block Party

First Q and it was a memorable one at Talon. I received some light mumble chatter that made me feel more comfortable being a baseball guy. Dugout chatter and mumble chatter share some similarities. Anyway… more  at the bottom. Disclaimer: Given at 5:59 Weather: Actually nice. Warmups: 25 SSH, 25 cut the grass *would like […]