F3 Greenwood

YHC arrived at Talon about 5:10 this morning amid the steady rain that is now Tropical Depression Sally as she pushes toward the NE.  Dixie Chick rolled in the parking lot shortly after YHC and Special K wasn’t far behind.  Two HIM were ready to go, so let’s get to the work.

25 SSH – IC
25 Cut the grass – IC

The THANG (1100 Pyramid):

    10 Manmakers
    20 Burpees
    30 Big Boy Situps
    40 KB Swings
    50 Tricep Extensions
    60 American Hammers (count one side)
    70 Alpos
    80 Block Curls
    90 LBC’s
    100 Chest Presses
    100 Chest Presses
    90 LBC’s
    80 Block Curls
    70 Alpos
    60 American Hammers (count one side)
    50 Tricep Extensions
    40 KB Swings
    30 Big Boy Situps
    20 Burpees
    10 Manmakers



Announcements: Week 3 IPC will happen again at 0600 on Saturday at the Y, F3 Classic City (Athens) launch is next Saturday (9/26) – details coming soon.

Prayer Requests: Student at Special K’s school, YHC’s mother in law, the community as a whole.

YHC prayed us out.


YHC signed up for this Q a couple of months ago and really forgot about it until my calendar reminder went off yesterday afternoon.  At that point, there was no way out of posting in a certain downpour.  A plan was set to stay under cover and get some block work in but honestly, there was a small part of YHC that hoped no one would show.  DC, being the HIM that he is, ruined that thought as he turned into the parking lot behind YHC.  Special K led the way with the work, followed closely by DC.  YHC appreciates these men coming out and forcing me to get in the work when it would have been much easier to stay in the fartsack for another hour.  Now it’s time to sign up for more Q’s to allow for some self inflicted accountability.  You should do the same.