National Running Day
YHC is pretty sure that it was actually Global Running Day, but the globalists are what’s wrong with this world, so we celebrated National Running Day instead. The idea was for a cumulative number of miles (200) to be completed by any and all F3Greenwood pax during the 24 hours of June 5, with the […]
Another humid run morning
Runners were sent off at 5:15 after disclaimer and all returned safely. We had a couple runners that did 10 merkins at every .10 mile for a total of 320 merkins and another couple attempted to determine there max heart rate. Announcements: Saturday workout is at Shipyard Prayer request: Pray for teachers and students with […]
Humidity and Coffee
Conditions – HUMID! A crowd of 24 PAX were on hand for this morning’s Coffee Run. Disclaimer: given We ran, walked or rucked, several routes and distances, and all returned safely. Count-o-Roma: 24 Name-o-Rama Announcements: 2.0 Workout scheduled for Saturday, let Judge Hairy know if you can attend Fusion Thursday at 12:15, although Polly wasn’t there to announce […]
One Last Cool and Humidless Run
25 PAX assembled for what was probably the last cool and humidless run.
Where Did Everyone Go?
Witty Teaser
100 Miles Run in less than an hour
Duggar and his Tattoo’s. He needs some suggestions.
Where in the Wood is Tweeter???
Anticipation to break 30 PAX was high…there was electricity in the air, but we fell short. More on that later.
Whetstone and Running
Some ran and left, some just came for Qsource, Others did both
Easier to keep her than leave her
Its definitely easier to remain healthy than to ride the roller of inconsistency.
Easter Sunrise Service
Small crowd for a Sunday morning stroll and some some quality second F on a cool crisp Easter morning.