Conditions – HUMID! A crowd of 24 PAX were on hand for this morning’s Coffee Run.
Disclaimer: given
We ran, walked or rucked, several routes and distances, and all returned safely.
Count-o-Roma: 24
- 2.0 Workout scheduled for Saturday, let Judge Hairy know if you can attend
- Fusion Thursday at 12:15, although Polly wasn’t there to announce it
- BBQ & Hash being sold by NWVFD for Memorial Day, see Swinger for details
- Murph Monday at Epicenter 6AM, Memorial Day
Prayer Requests:
- Unspoken
- Definitely a HUMID morning for a run
- But still a good morning for a run
- Great 2nd F this morning!
As always, it’s an honor to lead such a fine group of men. Until next time, Bean is out!