The tax man runneth!
8 Pax ran and rucked from the fountain.
Your done….get out of my Q space
A run as usual. everybody got after it.
Sunday Phunday
We came, we saw, we ran/rucked…
Me and the crew used to do her
It was just a normal 33 degree spring morning.
Pre-P200 Coffee Runs
23 Pax gathered for some Pre-P200 action. Lots of strategizing going on between teams this morning. May the Best Team win!
Hootie and the Dong Run
Cousin Eddie came to town and re-named one of the most popular routes to F3 Nation.
Cheatin’ on the Fountain with a Turtle!
To run, to ruck, or to burpee ladder? Or should we do them all?
They call him Uncle
PAX showed up to run, ruck, and Qsource. Some did did two, others did one. We talked about the King. You were missed if you didn’t make it.
Cool Runnings
20 degree mornings are great for running and coffee.
Birds on a Wire
There’s a difference between deciding to go, and going.