F3 Greenwood

It was a crisp, cool, finally fall morning at the “best AO in the state”~

And long overdue for YHC to Q a workout, been a couple years, being a kotter is for the birds. We have been off to a little bit of a slow start and leaning hard on PAX from other regions for support and EHing old friends and acquaintances. But YHC is persistent, and commited to seeing F3 flourish in this region. Thanks to all and additional support is appreciated….

So now to the goods…

Disclaimer given, not forgotten even after all this time



IW 25 IC






Mosey to the rock pile

Pick a decent sized rock, Mosey to Baseball field.

Audible- lights weren’t on and it was still dark. YHC’s whole workout was planned around the baseball diamond and because the sun and lights were not cooperating YHC had to think fast for a suitable alternative. Street lights, check, 30 yards apart, check, perfect alternative… except for those hills. Well hills are now apart of the workout.

First street light to be 2nd and home, second street light to be 1st and 3rd.

Round 1 with Coupons

1- 30 curls for the girls

2-30 triceps extentions

3-30 overhead presses

home- 30 bench presses

X 3

Round 2 with Coupons

1- 20 squats

2- 20 crunches

3- 20American hammers

home- 20 calf raises


Round 3 w/o coupons but lunge walking back and forth

1- 10 flutter kicks count right leg only

2- 10 iron crosses

3- 10 squat thrust

home- 10 monkey humpers

only got 2 of 3 of these before time was getting short

Pax we’re very acquainted with their rocks to say the least

We moseyed back to return our borrowed rip rap from the drainage ditch, which PAX were relieved to do

YHC enjoyed beating up on the new Pax in Lauren’s, and they seemed to enjoy the beating. Felt good to Q a boot camp after so long.


Devotion was given and Prayers for Lauren’s F3 to grow and thrive.

Post workout YHC got a text from Square D and learned he has a slipped disk and was posting through the pain, so we are adding him to the prayer list after his visit to the hospital.

Please excuse any rustiness as it has been 2+years

Aye -Snoop