F3 Greenwood

Nantan Notes

As the calendar turns from 2018 to 2019, let’s all take a minute to reflect on the past year. Where did you succeed?  Where did you fail?  Did you set goals?  Did you accomplish them?

After a brief look back, now let’s get focused on moving forward. 

What will you do in 2019?  What goals will you have?  What will you accomplish?  

Let’s do it. Get after it. Go be great!

1st F

“No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” Socrates

Do you ever wonder what your body is capable of? It is capable of so much more than you could ever imagine. Destroy the mindset that “I can’t because I’m……”. Set goals for this year, track your progress, and GET AFTER IT!!

2nd F

Not important enough to the 2nd F Q to send anything in by the deadline.

3rd F

“Wake up, wake up, it’s the first of the year!”

New years is my favorite time of the year! A time for reflection, looking back at what was, and  for making plans to accomplish what see for the next year! Guys are already making plans for 250 workouts and 1,000 miles of running. That works out to 250 hours of bootcamp and then another 166 hours and 40 minutes to run the 1,000 miles @ a 10 min pace. That is roughly 400 hours of working out for next year. Excluding times spent getting ready, travel, and the crucial 2ndF afterwards. So you can add on another 100 or easily. So for and active PAX that is almost 10 hours a week. That is a great investment of time and each man will be better for it!

But, what are you goals to grow your 3rdF in your personal life and for our PAX as a whole? Reading a devotion, a little Scripture and prayer might take 20 minutes, which is less time than it takes Polly to put on his compression gear each day. It also takes 70 hours to read the Bible cover. That is about 12 minutes of reading each day. Less time that most PAX spend each looking for the right Gif to post on Twitter. What if on your commute you played an audio Bible? Especially for the Shipyard guys making the long commute to Epicenter on Tuesdays.

What if we continued to pray for open eyes to see needs and mobilize our talented and capable PAX to meet them? There is really no limit to the difference we can make in 2019! 1 Corinthians 2:9 says “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

But, that starts today? What are you goals for 3rd? How can you enlist other PAX to help you accomplish them? Be excited and get a vision of what a great year 2019 can be for F3 Greenwood! Let’s be far more than just a workout!


With the change in schedule, Epicenter has seen a return back to the good ole days of big crowds during Boot Camp’s as well as some different Q’s. Both have been a great change of pace. The AOQ is looking forward to this trend to continue as the new year starts.

Also, Epicenter salutes Otis on his retirement from the Greenwood County Sheriff Department this past December.


The second month of the 3 month Fury Challenge is nearly complete.    18 PAX originally committed to posting to Fury at least once per week through the end of January.  To date (starting on 10/18 through 12/24/18) we’ve had 35 unique PAX post at Fury with an average attendance of 8 PAX.  The challenge success rate has not been as great as I would have liked, but it certainly has helped with accountability.  Those who are still on pace to complete the challenge:  Garvo, Tweeter, Polly, Duggar and 2C (with a makeup point awarded).  Don’t fall victim to the feared “Fartsack Alert” GIF.

With the change in AO schedules, Fury is getting exposed to more and more PAX.  The AO presents a lot of opportunities not found elsewhere which allows the Q a bevy of beatdown options.  The standard 60 minute version continues to deliver the most intense workout available in Greenwood.  Come check it out.  New comers for the month of January enjoy a Starbucks on Uncle Jesse. 

R.E.D. Friday

December has been a wet month causing lower numbers than usual. January brings the start of a new year.  We would love to see more PAX make a commitment to RedFriday so that they can see where they stand against the clock.  We need more Q’s in the rotation as well.  This would be a great place to test your Q’ing ability. We hope to see you this January in the gloom.

Coffee Runs

December Recap:
*Donated $450+ to the Pathway House for Christmas gift cards. #tclaps to Flossy for making this happen and all pax for giving freely.
*On the same day, we also collected $336 for our annual “Big Tip” to the Starbucks baristas. They were excited when this was delivered.

January focus is building on your base in preparation for the P200, Dam2Dam, Ville2Ville, and other races coming up in February, March, and April.
Signup now for the Baby Gabe Open Heart 5k on January 26. F3 is putting this on to benefit Brut and his family as he’ll be out of work while they are at MUSC when Baby Gabe makes his arrival. Help us spread the word. Here’s the link. https://runsignup.com/Race/SC/Greenwood/BabyGabeOpenHeart5K


The Fountain Head AO is a great place to post if you are a seasoned runner or just getting into it. There are all levels of runners/walkers along with multiple run routes. Come out, run with a group, enjoy the fellowship, and Push one another to get better!

AO Focus for the next month:
*P200 and Dam2Dam training has begun.  If you don’t have a plan watch the @f3runthewood twitter feed for weekly training plan details for the month of January.
*Run plans will be provided to help improvement on time and distance
*Encourage and foster participation by regular Pax members in Qing and also in posting at non-running F3 events.
*Encourage everyone to run with a person you haven’t run with before in the month December.
*Push yourself a little harder or slow down and enjoy some 2nd F during the run!


Shipyard numbers have been solid since the schedule changes. But, we still fell short of our 10 pax at every work out goal. It’s a new year. Get out of the bed and post with your brothers in the gloom.

The blocks are back and better than ever. We just have to find a place to store them to ensure they don’t walk off again.

Goal of having 5 different PAX lead Q’s at the Shipyard was met for the month of December, but January’s Q sheet is empty. Get on it.


AO focus: Encouragement, Leadership, and Pushing to the next level

Terrapin is the best AO to start your week right. We have multiple ways to get your workout in, whether you want to go mobile or stationary. The new year will bring new opportunities to step up to your next level and we will be focusing more on upper body beat downs which with the equipment we have makes The Turtle the best place for you to go to the next level.
Every Monday at 5:15, and The Q sheet is wide open for anyone to sign up.