Nantan Notes
It really is more than just a workout. More often than not we get caught up in the 1st F and trying to see how many pull-ups we can do or how many miles we can ruck/run/bear crawl.
Over the past month or so, our F3Greenwood group has gone through our own reinvigoration of male leadership and stepped up to be more throughout our group and our community.
With the beginnings of the weekly QSource work, the commitment to serve monthly at the Pathway House, and the benefit 5k for Brut’s family – we have have started to find our stride in fulfilling all three Fs: Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.
If you haven’t made it into TheGloom during 2019, I would challenge you to get back to it. And if you have been posting, try and do it more often. We are all better for it.
1st F
“Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind that you have to convince.” Your body was designed for work. Don’t listen to the thoughts that tell you the work is too hard, or that you can’t handle it. Hard Commit and stick to it. Set two alarms. Results come from being consistent. Do whatever it takes make your fitness a habit. Habits are the hardest things to break
2nd F
The 1st F is what brings us together (the Magnet) and the 2nd F is what bonds us together (the Glue).
We encourage those bonds by closing every workout with the Circle of Trust (COT). Every man shares his birth name, his age and his F3 nickname.If it is your first time, you are a Friendly New Guy or “FNG”. You will be given your own F3 nickname before you leave, and you will belong to a new brotherhood.
In F3 Greenwood, the PAX (brothers) have several opportunities to find fellowship. We gather at Starbucks for #Coffeeteria immediately after each workout and run (M-F, and Sunday.) Following Boot Camp on Saturdays, we gather at Howard’s on Main for #Coffeeteria and Breakfast. On Fridays, we meet for lunch at Mig’s at 12:15 p.m.
Throughout the year, we reinforce the 2nd F through organized participation in physical challenges like obstacle races, mud runs, distance relay races, GORUCK events and other Completely Stupid andUtterly Pointless (CSAUP) events. In addition, we have several opportunities to gather and fellowship, whether it is a Happy Hour, campout, or golf.
3rd F
The 3rd channel has been a great place to spend time! We have had devotions from 2C, Piddler, BenGay, Pinto, Juggernaut, Sugar and Pusher. Pusher dropped transparency bombs and lead to a 3rd F channel fatherhood revival as well(never underestimate Pusher). Flossy has took the lead of coordinating the serving the men at Pathways House. Also every 3rd Wednesday evening we will be feeding the men there as well. Rumors of BBQ are circulating for February. Get involved!
Also the best gift you can give your wife for Valentines is love. How do you test the quality of your love? Try replacing the word “love” in the passage below and evaluate how well you are doing or how far your are falling short. (It might even be productive to allow your wife to help you evaluate yourself as well)
“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. – 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
QSource is off to a great start! We kicked off our study of the F3 Leadership Manual with the new year and have had double digit pax nearly every week so far, and I would love to see even more of you come get in a little sharpening on Sunday mornings.
The first week in February will see us wrapping up discussion of the first five Fundamental principles and the rest of the month we will start to dive into the First Quadrant of QSource: The Get Right. Get Right is the first of four quadrants we will discuss throughout the year – Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right, Leave Right – and will help us all make sure that we are becoming more Virtuous every day.
If you have already been coming, then keep on coming! If you have not made it out yet, then come join us! Sunday mornings, TBS time 0705-0735, right after #CoffeeRuns CoT. See you there!
Epicenter needs YOU to Q! If you need help, please reach out to BenGay who would be more than happy to Co-Q with you.
The Mothership has seen a lag in PAX in attendance lately and hopes that as the races finish, those pick back up.
Our focus this month will be on leg strength as our runners continue to focus on upcoming runs.
The 3 month Fury Challenge is nearly complete. 18 PAX originally committed to posting to Fury at least once per week through the end of January. To date (starting on 10/18 through 1/28/18) we’ve had 35 unique PAX post at Fury with an average attendance of 7.2 PAX. Those who are still on pace to complete the challenge: Garvo, Tweeter, and Polly. Don’t fall victim to the feared “Fartsack Alert” GIF.

The standard 60 minute version continues to deliver the most intense workout available in Greenwood. Come check it out. I have some new tricks in store for the remainder of the year including an extended Fury Challenge that is sure to be all the rage.
Who will be Fartsacker of the year? Show up or it might be you!
R.E.D. Friday
January has come and gone. We continued to see wet weather conditions but that did not stop pax from posting. We had some new faces out this month and hope that we continue to see different pax try out the RED Friday workouts.
We are still looking for guys to step up and Q the workouts. Put your name on the Q sheet or HC for a workout. RED Friday would love to have you.
Again, we had a blast Saturday night. Thanks again for driving. Hope to see you guys soon.
The Fountain Head AO offers two run day options (Monday Out-n-Back and Friday Hero Hills). The January cold and rain has dropped the numbers slightly, but we continue to have a strong presence with P200, Dam to Dam, and other events on the horizon. Come join the group for some easy recovery miles or speed work. Come out, run with a group, enjoy the fellowship, and Push one another to get better!
AO Focus for the next month:
*P200 and Dam2Dam training is in full swing. Contact @F3Runthewood if you want to join in a training plan.
*Encourage and foster participation by regular Pax members in Qing and also in posting at non-running F3 events.
*Encourage everyone to run with a person you haven’t run with before in the month of January.
February is a critical month for those training for the P200. Sundays are a perfect time to get in those long distance miles while Wednesdays are a good time to get in some tempo or speed work. -Sunday COTs will continue to be at 0700 as the QSource meetings will start at 0705. -Going forward the QSource Q will also serve as the Sunday run Q.
Winter has set in at the Shipyard and the number of PAX posting have held steady with the colder temps. But, a few Shipyard regulars have vanished. If you’ve noticed that one of your brothers has not posted in a while, reach and encourage them to get back out in the gloom.
We are still searching for a spot to leave our coupons on site. Hope to have that nailed down soon.
There is plenty of room on the Q sheet
Terrapin is heading into February with the same AO focus, but with so many different races coming up and the winter weather we are having a small number of PAX making the weekly commitment. We want every PAX at F3 Greenwood to post at least one time from now until spring. It’s a easy challenge to fill, and we need some leaders to step up and take a Q.
Get up, Show up, and Do the harder things to start a great week off!