F3 Greenwood

Week 3 of the Saluda launch kicked off around 0600 when 3 #Clowncars pulled out of the Shipyard and headed down range to help welcome our new brothers from F3 Saluda. Coupons were loaded in YHC’s one headlight truck and the pain train was on the way. A Double Dora Block party was on the agenda. The pax from #TheWood eventually found the way to enter the “middle” parking lot and it was game on. Milder temps (well at least almost freezing) greeted the pax.  The sun was even starting too show which the pax from Greenwood may not have recognized during a boot camp. 21 pax would gather. Enough chatter……let’s do this!









Line up in 2 lines and lets go on a tour of the grounds with a little Merkin Indian Run.


The Main Thang

Double Dora

Partner up (should have been 1 pax from Saluda with 1 pax from Greenwood) YHC would be solo.

100 TriExt

200 Kettlebell Swings

300 Air Squats (audible from Goblet Squats)

One partner running to other side of the field for 10 Big boy sit-ups, One partner cummulative work, flapjack, repeato

30 Second Plank with Duggar on the count.

100 Burpees

200 Overhead Press

300 Curls

One partner runs to other side of field for 10 V-ups, other partner works, flapjack, repeato



Countorama, Namerama, Devo and Prayer by F3 Greenwood Prayer Q Duggar

“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:3-5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Have you ever shot a rifle at a target looking through a scope? All you can see, looking through the scope, is what the scope is focused in on. Everything else around you is obsolete. Basically, “not there”. Because your focus is on one single thing, the target. Paul says in this passage, “don’t be like that”. Don’t be that guy who can only see what he wants and forgoes seeing the needs of those around him. We call that, selfishness. In short, be intentional to look around, see others, understand the needs of others and rise up to help. Whether that’s in your family, in your circle of friends, or in the community at large…be a selfless servant. And in so doing, you’ll become a reflection of Jesus Christ, the Greatest Servant, to others.

Announcements: F3Saluda has midweek Boot Camps meeting at Saluda High 0500
It was an honor for F3Greenwood to be a part of F3Saluda’s launch. It is already evident F3Saluda has a solid group of men posting and you guys will continue to grow. Keep pushing yourself and each other not just physically, but also as men and leaders of your homes, businesses, and your community. The bonds you will form will be strong and the support you gain from each other will be priceless if you invest in each other. #morethanaworkout.
F3Saluda was treated to the usual F3Greenwood #mumblechatter right off the bat and it continued throughout. Cut up, have fun, do the work, get better. It makes the time fly by.
#tclaps to the men from F3Greenwood for making the trip and giving it away!
Great group out there today. Always good to hear the encouragement going around an F3 Boot camp. Today was no exception! Always an honor to Q, but especially to a new group in F3. Well done men…..AYE!
(Unfortunately, some technical difficulty struck YHC’s phone. I am missing a couple of names from Saluda. If you recognize a name missing let me know and I will add it)