F3 Greenwood

It’s hard to follow the last F3Dads Q that Baby Blu put on but we gave it our best shot, but fell short. No one cried during Baby Blu’s Q but Maggie cried during most of ours. The we and our YHC keeps referring to are my 3 boys, H2, Warrior and Leprechaun. Thursday night after devotions I let them plan the Q and come up with fun and challenging stuff for the kids to do, they had a blast planning and coming up with ideas.

Conditions: A little cool but great morning to have some fun with the kids!

Disclaimer: Given

Mosey to the Pull-up/Dip area and Circle Up


Morning Glory 10 IC (In honor of Blu)
5 Burpees
5 Burpees
Merkins 10 IC
5 Burpees
IW 10 IC
5 Burpees
Flutterkicks 10 IC

The Thang

Bear Crawl Relay – Split into two teams of 3 dads and 2.0’s each. Bear Crawl ~15yds turn around and Bear Crawl back. Some creative Bear Crawling was introduced and the kids had a blast with this one.

Mosey over to the dog park and split back into 2 teams of 3 dads and 2.0’s each.
Indian Run Around the Pond – one team goes left and the other goes right and meet back at the slides. YHC forgot how far it was around the pond and we lost some participants. YHC’s made it back well before the other team so we decided to let the kids enjoy the slides, this was a real crowd pleaser. Once the other group caught up they joined in and Fabio had a blast pushing his kids down the slide and sliding himself.

Mosey back over to the Pull-up/Dip area for one last bit of fun…..
Tunnel of Love – Dads form the tunnel and 2.0’s army crawl through. 2.0’s went 2 or 3 times and the tunnel began collapsing.

Countorama 18 PAX


Announces and Prayer Request

YHC closed in prayer


• It really is great to get out with the kids and have fun. YHC must admit I need to do this more often. Children are a blessing from the Lord.

• My bad for the extra long Indian Run #lookedgoodonpaper

• My boys had a blast and are looking forward to the Campout later this month. I encourage you to join us if you can. It’s noting elaborate but the kids really enjoy the time together with us. It never ceases to amaze me how much my boys enjoy just hanging around with me, we don’t have to be doing anything special, just being together.