I totally forgot about this song, but thought it was fitting for Tsunami. I always liked it. Anyway, 6 folks including Blue Print on the DD (after his surprise Q) showed up and put in some work. I am somewhat tapering for the Spartan race on Saturday, so I didn’t go heavy on the burpees or weights and included some moseying. It went like this:
Warm Up
25 Merkins OYO
30 second balls to wall
20 second balls to wall
10 second balls to wall
The Thang
Loredo – 6 rounds for time
24 merkins
24 squats
24 lunge steps (count right leg only)
400 meter run
**Early Finishers completed the following**
25 ab exercise of your choice
10 Burpees
Rinse and repeat until time called
- Good work today
- Bean really pushing himself to get better. Lunges were on point. You’ll be feeling those.
- X-ray continues to post regularly. Great to see him.
- YHC and Puddin with a mad dash around the track on lap 6 ended up in a sprint for the last 100 meters
- Pusher and BluePrint putting in quality work as well.