F3 Greenwood

When YHC was pushed last year by some pax who now deny it to create Tsunami, I never dreamed it would be such a hot workout.  Wanted by every site in Greenwood, especially envious and spiteful Fury, it creates anger when Tsunami doesn’t move away from it’s birthplace of Shipyard.  Accusations, espionage, conspiracy theories abound.  Oh well, when you got it, you got it.   Welcomed today FNG Alex Whittington, know known as Flip Flop.  Of course you really can’t say Tsunami off and running without some form of Godzilla run.  So, today Mega-godzilla was held.


No warm up , Right into workout

Battleship rep format.  1st round 30 of each rep, 2nd round 25, 3rd round 20, 4th round 15, 5th round 10, last round 5 reps.

Using 4 corners of practice football field , run to 1st corner- 30 merkins, run to opposite end of field-30 flutter kicks, to next corner of field-30 pike merkins, and then to last corner-combo of 30 curls, 30 jungle boi squats, 30 tricep extensions.  6 rounds around field, decreasing as the Battleship does.


5 minutes left . Gathered round circle for pax choice of reps of 30 with coupon.  Reps included Kettle bell swings, alpos, overhead presses, squats with coupons, mountain climbers, bent over rows.


time called at 6:51. crowd dispersed for work. COT done with Shipyard before work began.


Pusher out.