At about 8:15 , right during middle of one of my favorite shows, Survivor, I remembered I had Q the next morning. Survivor is a great show. I actually think as much as we put ourselves thru physically and mentally, one of us could do well on the show. Would love to see it. Anyway, Tai was finding a second immunity idol at the same time I was writing down some stuff to do . My M asked me ” you got lead again?” I just said yep. I am real excited Qs listed for next 5 Tsunami and they are not named Pusher.
10 IC SSH at flag as Shipyard comes to dock.
Off we go around school, stopping at benches for 15 IW IC
running to street light, 10 more SSH IC
run to wall 10 Slow squats
run to dark side on back of school, 15 LBACs front and back and 10 overhead claps.
Run to back patio to begin.
5 rounds:
10 burpie box jumps at top, run to base of hill, 20 big boy sit ups.
When done, recover , and move to next workout . Again 5 rounds:
20 dips at top, 20 mountain climbers after running down hill.
Stop , and start run back to front for finish. along way we made 5 stops. At each stop:
10 merkins,, 10 flutter kicks, 10 jungle boy squats
got back to front just as time expired.
Namorana, countorama, prayers for our families and yours.
Thank you and Pusher out.