F3 Greenwood

Well, it finally happened. This many workouts with a bunch of guys and you knew it would finally happen. A fight was going to happen between two guys. Too much testosterone , pushing each other to limits. And you knew that sooner or later, tempers were gonna flair. Just surprised who it was between………..HA,HA made you read my backblast! Na, seriously a good solid workout , went very quick , little mumblechatter and we worked up a sweat.

20 SSH in cadence
15 LBAC front and back
15 squats in cadence

mosey to coupons , bring back to base of stairs on upper field.
3 rounds– 20 overhead presses , run to top of stairs 10 jungleboys squats.
3 rounds–20 triceps extensions, run to top of stairs 10 lunges
3 rounds–20 curls, run to top of stairs, 10 flutter kicks
3 rounds–20 bent over rows, run to top of stairs, 10 jungleboy squats.

done with that , coupons up , mosey to professional field.
teams of three ( on premise of a strand of three is hard to break.

Team A of three members Trav, Mr Bean, and Puddin-
one end-merkins, runner in middle, other end pax doing LBCs. rotating off until team completed 500 merkins.
Team B-Blueprint, Hoser, and Pusher and Babyblue staying together, doing same rotation, but team responsible for 650 merkins.

Team A won barely.

Finished up with Indian run around parking lot to flag.

Circled up-
count, names, announcements
Prayers for Rocky, others, our families. Our core group is coming together. Looking forward to Tsunami being a strong presence in F3 Greenwood.
Pusher out.