F3 Greenwood

Conditions: In a word SAUNA.

Disclaimer was given.

Warm-up: Proceeded to secure coupons and met at the bottom of the Concrete Monster. A quick warm-up of 15 side straddle hops, 15 air squats, 15 grass cutters, and 15 imperial walkers to get the sweat flowing.


10 Man Makers rifle carry block to first double grooves in the Monster.


20 Alpos rifle carry block to third set of double grooves in the Monster.

30 Tricep Extension rifle carry block to fifth set of double grooves in the Monster.

40 Curls rifle carry block to seventh set of double grooves in the Monster.

50 Overhead Press rifle carry block back down to fifth set of double grooves in the Monster.

40 Goblet Squats rifle carry block to third set of double grooves in the Monster.

30 Mountain Climbers on block – count one leg rifle carry block to first set of double grooves in the Monster.

20 Flutter kicks with block above head rifle carry block to the bottom of the Monster.

10 Knees to the chest on block

Run up steps and complete 20 dips on brick wall and back to bottom for 30 kettle bell swings (repeat)

Run up steps and complete 30 inclined merkins on wall or rail and reverse bear crawl down (repeat)

15 side plank dips each side

Count-o-Rama and Name-o-Rama


Blessings asked and prayer given for allowing us to gather as free men to get better. Thanked God that we are all equal in His grace and love.


No DDs! Just too much freaking humidity. Keep your head up and eyes on the goal. Everyday, everyday!