Conditions: Dark, humid and 72
Mosey to grab coupons and return to dentist parking lot for 3 sets of double coupon work.
25 SSHs
25 IWs
25 Grass Cutters
15 man makers
One Pax hands partner 2 blocks as he is on his 6 in bench position then takes off to the bridge. At the top of the bridge, 10 burpees.
Other partner remains in parking lot and begins the work:
50 Double coupon chest presses (30 minimum)
50 shoulder shrugs
25 dips w/ coupons on ends
25 incline merkins
Plank/crunches/ leg raises/ab work until both partners are in dentist parking lot and ready to switch.
3 sets of the above
YHC had other reps planned, but the above work took us to 6am. I’ll save the others for a Saturday or modify this work out in order to get some more lower body work in. I don’t think anyone was too upset we didn’t get to the other work nor did they feel cheated this morning. It was tough workout that broke two FNGs in right. PAX of all shapes, sizes, and fitness capacities got better.
Announcements: Congrats to our traveling/and competing PAX for taking part in various events around the county this weekend. It was fun to keep tabs on everyone. Proud of you and for you.
Fuji Film 5K this Saturday.