F3 Greenwood

Another Encino man Q? After the Cannonball run I was thinking about maybe toning it down some, but I quickly change my mind on that. We are here to get better and that sometimes hurts.So let’s get started!

Disclamer given at 5:15

warmups: 20 SSH, 10 mow the grass,15 mountain climbers, and a 20 count super man.mosy to coupons where we always check for Black widows, but have yet to find one and meet on the grass.

First Round: 10 man makers, 10 burpee chain jumps, and 10 pull-ups. 3 sets increasing everything by 10 each set, but made it halfway through last set and recovered for time. Next balls to the wall for a 20 count, then back to the grass for second round.

Next do 50 bench presses, 40 curls,30 flutter kicks, and 20 American hammers with the blocks, 2 sets. After that another balls to the wall for a 50 count. Everyone was feeling awesome at this point so I decided let’s keep the fun going. Last round: 20 shoulder taps merkens,15 up and down planks, and 10 half super mans merkens ( push up and raise arm and leg on opposite ends and repeat opposite side)2 sets after that our time was up and fun was over😞return coupons and did names and announcements.

No one knew location or Q of Saturday workout but we’ll figure it before than, Quickie prayed us out and work was done!!