F3 Greenwood

On Monday, Blu mentioned that there was a need for a Q on Saturday, so YHC jumped on it. I always like a Terrapin Q. YHC was in the mood for some bearcrawls this morning (which the M thought was strange), so there were bearcrawls a plenty. Here’s how it went down.

Disclaimer given at 6:00 and off we went.

SSH x 20
5 pull-ups and 10 squats, 4 pull-ups and 10 squats, 3 pull-ups and 10 squats, 2 pull-ups and 10 squats, 1 pull-up and 10 squats.

The Thang

Bearcrawl Slalom
PAX lined up along the sidewalk in front of the pull-up bar in a plank position, PAX in the back bearcrawled between the PAX to the front of the line. This was repeated until we reached the gazebo.
At the gazebo – 50 LBC’s, 50 flutter kicks, and 25 skyups (new exercise YHC learned at Thunder at F3Columbia. See NMS for explanation.) Calf raises to the 6.
Bearcrawl slalom was then repeated all the way around the smaller playground and back to the gazebo. (This is A LOT further than YHC remembered while drawing up this BC.)
At the gazebo – 50 LBC’s, 50 flutter kicks, and 25 skyups (new exercise YHC learned at Thunder at F3Columbia. See NMS for explanation.) Calf raises to the 6.
An audible was called at this point from more bearcrawls to a mosey to the bathroom wall. 3 rounds of wall sits in cadence were performed with each round lasting 30 seconds each. We then moseyed to the coupon pile, secured a coupon and moseyed to the dentist office parking lot.

Dentist Office Parking Lot
Cambridge Street Bridge Exercises – 20 reps of each were performed followed by a mosey up to the top of the bridge and back down. Each time back down, reps were reduced by 5.
KB Swings
Biceps Curls
Triceps Extensions

AB Timeout
50 LBC’s
50 Whirly Boys
50 Freddie Mercuries counting one leg

Charles Street Exercises – 15 reps of each were performed followed by a mosey up Charles Street and back down. Each time back down, reps were reduced by 5.
Chest Press
OH Press
Bent Over Rows

Time was called before we could get through all 3 rounds and we returned the coupons back and headed back for COT.

IronPax was discussed and all were encouraged to sign-up.
Refugee has the Q for the next 6 Thursday’s at Fury.
Q sheets are wide open.

Prayer Requests:
Uncle Jesse and Judge Judy and their families
Mr. Belding is changing jobs
Lego and his deployment

-For some reason, YHC had a “hankering” for some bearcrawls this morning and this morning fit the bill. YHC didn’t realize the length of the sidewalks until we were in the middle, so there were some mild audibles.
-Skyup was a new ab exercise that YHC did at F3 Columbia. It is a great ab exercise that as TRav mentioned this morning, you can not cheat. You lay on your back, put your arms in front of you in a diamond and perform a sit-up. Try it, it is an ab killer.
-1 Peter 1: 14-16 says, “As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” What does it mean to be holy? Simply, it means to live the gospel in our lives through loving others. YHC shared that YHC finds it easier to live this out outside his home and not inside with his own M and kids. God has been working on me to change that. It was a challenge to YHC to love my M and kids better and to love them more and better. As a husband and father, YHC has been given these gifts to love and when YHC does that, YHC is being holy.

Until next time,
