It has been a long time since I’ve seen so many at Terrapin. Due to some existing injuries among my fellow pax, I kept the workout relatively stationary. We even stayed out of the grass per request of someone who ended up fartsacking.
Here is what went down.
5:14 – disclosure/1 min warning
5:15 – Le’go!
Warmup – 25 SSH, 5 burpees, 20 SSH 4 burpees, 15 SSH, 3 burpees, 10 SSH, 2 burpees, 5 SSH, 1 burpee
Then we mosey to grab a coupon from the stack, and back to the parking lot.
That Thang – We completed a ladder of workouts, starting with a set number of reps for one exercise, and adding a new exercise to the pile each round.
5 thrusters
10 pullups
15 curl-to-press
20 bonnies
25 mountain climbers
30 dips
35 merkins
After each round, pax were to rifle carry around the sandbox, then begin the following round. While we did all of this, we had a 5 min EMOM where we did 5 burpees every time it went off. If a pax finished all 7 rounds, they were to work back down the ladder.
5:58ish – recovered and returned blocks.
Announcements – Keep grinding
Prayer requests – Juggs and his family
It makes this AOQ happy to see so many studs come out on a Monday. These guys put in some serious work.
Welcome FNG Pangaea. He fits right in with the rest of them. Delusional made the coupon look like a child’s toy. If he keeps at it he’s going to be quiet a beast. The respect division looked quiet lively this morning. They continue to show us all that age is just a number. Everyone in attendance got better!
Until next time,
Keep coloring.