Conditions- upper 30’s I think
0514- one minute warning and disclaimer (there for a reason)
0515- go time
Warm up-
15 Merkins IC
25 Hillbilly’s IC
20 Monkey Humpers IC (crowd pleaser)
Grab a coupon and head to the end zone where the tires are
The Thang- Dora- 4 tires, 4 teams
Pax 1 does the cumulative work. PAX 2 does 5 tire flips
50 burpees
100 triceps
200 vertical coupon chest presses
100 thrusters
50 burpees
Recover- Put the tires up, return coupons, and meet in the parking lot.
Ring of Fire- Last PAX Humping
PAX got in a circle and got in starting position of a monkey humper. I started with 10 while remaining PAX hold starting position. After I completed 10, the PAX to my left would then do 10 until we make it all the way around the circle. When a PAX stands up from fatigue, they are out of the circle. This is completed until we run out of time or last PAX humping. Unfortunately, we ran out of time first and we finished in a 3 way, tie that is, between me, Encinoman, and Bean-O. Quads were smoked!
Announcements- Run Your Ice Off this Saturday. I feel like this race has been in announcements for 6 months.
Prayer Requests and Praise Reports- Foley’s son landed a sweet job(praise), family and friends of Chuck Brock, Jimmy Hughes receiving stem cells today. Praying these take this time.
Anything in cadence adds another level of suck to whatever is called up. The monkey humpers to a slow cadence were just what the doctor ordered. Man did that burn. Unfortunately, not far into our first exercise in our Dora, Tweeter pulled a muscle in his back during his turn on the tire flip. He was in severe pain, and we were all concerned about him. Throughout the workout, PAX rotated out to check on him and tried to help him any way they could. Being the proper athlete that Tweeter is, he was using correct form, but it got him anyway. The back is a crazy thing. It’s amazing how one insignificant little move can put you on your knees, yet all the other crazy stuff we do doesn’t phase it. It’s been great to see Unplugged back out in the Gloom. He and Tickle were making light work out of that tire and were plowing through the coupon work. YHC teamed up with Foley and Bandwagon since we had an odd number. I made a valiant attempt to hang with Foley. I said attempt. The man only has two gears, haul azz and stop. He rarely uses the stop gear. Bandwagon is on fire. He is makin scary gains. Keep it up brother. If you could bottle his drive, it would be like Frank’s Hot Sauce. You could put that s#@t on everything. Bean-O and Special K smoked through the work like usual. They were either really quiet, or I just couldn’t hear them over the Uncle Jesse Death Metal on the speaker. I do know their tire was not created equal. It is smaller and heavier. It was actually leaving crop circles in the grass when they flipped it. Not really sure what Encinoman did down there after Tweeter threw his back out. He was a one man band for the rest of the work. Hoping Tweeter feels better soon. Back pain is no joke. I think we’ve all been there at one point or another. But, I promise I didn’t try to kill him. My pain is equal opportunity. I want everybody to experience it, just not Tweeter level. Feel better brother! Thanks to all the men that came out this morning. I am better for it!
Southern Belle is hanging up….